Revenue.AI’s Post

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Exciting News: Meet Revenue.AI at the Regional Scrum Gathering Belgrade 2024! We're thrilled to announce that our experts will be participating in one of the region’s premier #Agile events. Join us and 500+ Agile professionals to explore the latest insights from industry leaders. Don’t miss our workshop at the Experience Sharing corner, where our Head of AI & Agile Transformation Services, Jan Železný, and Senior Cognitive Analyst & Product Owner, Mane Gabrielian, will present "AI-Driven Agility: Practical Workshop with Agile Copilot." Discover how AI can revolutionize Agile practices, dive into real-world use cases, learn how to get your team prepared for the shift, and gain hands-on experience with our #AgileCopilot. Our team will be available throughout the event to share deeper insights on AI-first Agile transformations and how to prepare your organization for a successful AI journey. We look forward to connecting with you! 🗓 October 28th-29th, 2024. Check out our session at 14:45-15:45, October 28th 📍 Opera & Theatre Madlenianum, Belgrade, Serbia  🌐 Schedule a demo: #RSGBelgrade2024 #RevenueAI #Allie #ProjectManagement #Agile

🌟 𝗨𝗻𝗹𝗼𝗰𝗸 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗙𝘂𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗔𝗴𝗶𝗹𝗲 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗔𝗜! 🌟 Are you struggling with manual dependency tracking, cumbersome onboarding processes, or KPI tracking complexities? If so, "AI-driven Agility: Practical Workshop with Agile Copilot" is tailored just for you! 𝙒𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙀𝙭𝙥𝙚𝙘𝙩 👉 𝙴̲𝚡̲𝚙̲𝚕̲𝚘̲𝚛̲𝚎̲ ̲𝚝̲𝚑̲𝚎̲ ̲𝙴̲𝚟̲𝚘̲𝚕̲𝚟̲𝚒̲𝚗̲𝚐̲ ̲𝙻̲𝚊̲𝚗̲𝚍̲𝚜̲𝚌̲𝚊̲𝚙̲𝚎̲: Dive into the growing influence of AI in Agile organizations. Learn how to prepare your teams for the upcoming shifts with real-world examples of AI in action. 👉 𝙷̲𝚊̲𝚗̲𝚍̲𝚜̲–̲𝙾̲𝚗̲ ̲𝙴̲𝚡̲𝚙̲𝚎̲𝚛̲𝚒̲𝚎̲𝚗̲𝚌̲𝚎̲ ̲𝚠̲𝚒̲𝚝̲𝚑̲ ̲𝙰̲𝚕̲𝚕̲𝚒̲𝚎̲,̲ ̲𝚝̲𝚑̲𝚎̲ ̲𝙰̲𝚐̲𝚒̲𝚕̲𝚎̲ ̲𝙲̲𝚘̲𝚙̲𝚒̲𝚕̲𝚘̲𝚝̲: Experience firsthand how Allie enhances user journeys and streamlines workflows, allowing your teams to focus on what truly matters. Join us and Jan Ž. for this transformative workshop ! 🔗 Register Now:

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