Several seniors from our chemical engineering department placed at recent poster sessions held at the National AiChE Conference in San Diego, CA and the National Sustainable Nanotechnology Conference in Providence, RI. Savanna Sheffield presented "Optimization of Hyaluronic Acid-pNiPAAm Co-Polymers for Mitochondrial Transplantation" and won first place in the Food, Pharmacy, and Biotechnology in group seven. Daniel Perez-Torres presented "Development of Quercetin-loaded Nanocomposite Microparticles (Que-nCmP) via Spray Drying for Pulmonary Drug Delivery Applications" and won first place in Food, Pharma, and Biotech IV. Colby Constantine presented “Characterizing Nanoparticle Dynamics in Biorelevant Materials to Predict Epithelial Transport Properties of Orally Administered Medications” and placed second in the “Food, Pharmaceutical, & Biotechnology section. David Amirsadri presented "Dynamics of Polymer-Grafted Nanoparticle Suspension." He placed second in section I of the Materials Engineering and Sciences Division. Lauren Lamothe presented the poster titled "Micro- and Nano- Plastics Accumulation in the Sea Surface Microlayer and its Impact on Biofilm Growth of Cobetia Marina" at the National Sustainable Nanotechnology Conference secured 2nd place for her research out of 36 posters presented. Please join us in congratulating these students on their accomplishments! #rhodyengineers #uriengineering #collegeofengineering #chemicalengineering #engineeringresearch
Congratulations Savanna!
Assistant Teaching Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of Rhode Island
3moShiny starts. Again, congratulations 👏