How old are you? Those engineers, graduated under the "old school" method, will know the meaning of the picture below. Network Analyzer, 20GHz, with time domain option. One of the greatest measurements equipment. #telecommunications #measurement #engineer #networkanalyzer #equipment #electronics
I remember having to draw (plot) these know with pencil and paper. If mess up - start over.
HP8510, a beast that today still very valuable and better than many modern VNAs.
Looks like it's just been switched on and uncalibrated.
When I started this was beyond our budget. We did smith charts by hand. And measured using adjustable wave lengths.
You can read a Smith Chart easily when you imagine a Fourier analysis and the horizontal frequency response rolls over from +inf to -inf in a circle so the whole upper plane of the Fourier with their real and imaginary parts become inside of the circle, a little bit of practice makes this simple to visualize
I hope young engineers know what a smith chart is and how to use it !
Learning Diptrace after 25 years with Altium.
8moAnd now a serviceable VNA costs about the same as a good dinner, runs on internal batteries, and fits in your shirt pocket. What a world we live in!