Hospital CEOs and CFOs love data and ROI. Patients love access to safe and timely care near home. Care teams love engaged and satisfied patients. Communities love financially viable hospitals. I was part of a productive strategy session with the VirtuCare leadership team yesterday. Here is one of the takeaways that we celebrated: "The financial benefits of the VirtuCare model are significant. A CEO of a national hospital system with locations in nine states reported reduced cost of care and increased volume and revenue since implementing the VirtuCare model for urology. The CEO reported, "Who would have thought that not employing a full-time urologist would provide high-level surgical care by board-certified urologists for more than 95% of the cases and increase our ambulatory procedures and surgical volume in the OR?" We have many of these testimonials from executives working hard to meet the needs of patients in their communities and stay solvent. Yet, we often hear from hospital executives that rural and CAH hospitals with long-standing urologist vacancies need 24/7 coverage. In many cases, the vacancy is for their sole urology position. The absence of a urologist often leaves patients without care, leading to delayed treatment or long-distance travel for relief. The VirtuCare model has significantly improved this situation. Once a patient travels outside their community hospital for care, the leakage (no pun intended) is costly as they often lose faith in their local hospital. The job postings for urologists grow daily, and turnover is high. The hybrid model of care provided by VirtuCare is like a JIT inventory system; care optimization, standardization, seamless coordination, and no waste. I love these conversations with hospital executives as a former hospital and medical group leader and patient advocate. I am happy to talk to anyone interested in the VirtuCare surgical model. 🌟 #surgicalservices #patientaccess #ruralhospitals #urology #innovativecaredelivery #physicianretention #moralinjury #healthcareonlinkedin #content
I've found that many CAH CEO's are using antiquated models of care. Very similar issue with psychiatry. The cost of hiring and retaining is astronomical. It's so hard to keep great people in tiny communities, so turnover is high. Feast and famine care in many communities with leakage in between. No pun here either.
Ann M. Richardson, MBA thank you for sharing our success story! We are excited to partner with more hospitals.
Very interesting. Love creative solutions Ann M. Richardson, MBA !!
Human Capital Metrics - Analytics , Finance, Employee Sentiment Analysis, Cutting Employee Turnover 20% or more
6moAnn M. Richardson, MBA The financial performance ,position , solvency , and potential violations of debt covenants of any healthcare systems will require high performance in talent supply chain management moving forward in this volatile labor market. The archaic methodology and mentality of recrutiment and retention will lead many facilities to close shop. There is no healthcare system without a knowledge intensive and highly skilled workforce!