On Saturday, thirty-seven educational scholarships were awarded to our team members ----> totaling nearly $40,000! Recipient Holly Moore commented: "I’m really doing this! I’m going back to college at 36 years old, I have orientation August 8th and I’m so excited & proud of myself for making this decision to finish what I started 12 years ago!!! RCC here I come! Thank you #RiverLandingatSandyRidgeContinuingCareRetirementCommunity and the scholarship committee for making it possible! A huge thank you to the #RiverLandingatSandyRidgeContinuingCareRetirementCommunity team that plans, coordinates and executes this special celebration each year!
Congratulations from a former River Landing staff member who is also tackling the return to college at the age of 46. You are never to old to learn and it is never to late to start... Bless you all for what you do, and I wish you the best in your future endeavors!
Executive Vice President, Human Resources, Kintura (formerly Brightspire)
7moI am simply in awe of the amazing talent represented by this group and humbled and inspired by their commitment to growing and doing great things!