Robert Hockensmith, CPA’s Post

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Tax Resolutions, Representation, Preparation, Accounting & Payroll Services, Financial & Business Consulting

When you start planning early, you have time on your side to help you compare between distinct options and choose the best for yourself. While filing your tax return, you usually the lower amount of tax. The one that results in the higher deduction amount often gives you the most benefit. The IRS offers these tips to help you choose: #azmoneyguy #roberthockensmith #taxtips #52pickup #52pickuptax #efile #filetaxes #52waystooutsmarttheirs

Ciara MacMahon

3x your CPA Practice/ Tailored Practice Growth Plans / Reach your True Practice Potential - Tel: 818 209 4125


Good info - Hockensmith - thanks for posting!


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