Robert Lugowski 🩺 📑’s Post

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CEO @CliniNote: Driving Innovation in Clinical Trials & Real-World Data | Passionate Advocate for Digital Health & HealthTech Startups

A recent comment from Jason Calacanis about Europe (being a “tech skansen”) struck me as both obvious yet thought-provoking—enough that I wanted to share it with you. Tomorrow, I’m heading to Bits & Pretzels, one of Europe’s largest VC-startup conferences. There's an opening discussion on Kickstart Europe Report 2024. We’ve heard many discussions about how to break free from Europe’s stagnation, but the real question is: are we capable of doing anything more than relying on growth driven by government interventions? And the more practical question that every startup CEO is asking himself: build in Europe, or leave this “skansen”?

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