In recent months we've heard the Australian Government pinning a chunk of blame for the current housing crisis on international students. In this episode of Global Horizons, Dirk Mulder (The Koala News) and I talk about some research that dropped recently that torpedoes that narrow view. And it seems this really is a "mythbusting" episode, as we get into details of an excellent piece of analysis by the legenedary Alan Olsen looking at the difference between domestic and international students and their rates of passing subjects. For as long as international students have been coming to Australia, there has been a narrative in the mainstream press (and in sections of some campuses) that international students lower educational standards. But what if international students actually passed more subjects than domestic students? Wouldn't that tell a different story? We'll dive into Alan's analysis and what it reveals. Finally, we're joined by another industry legend, Jason Howard, the founder of StudyLink (now part of the Flywire group). This is a great conversation looking at how the sector has changed over the decades that Jason has been involved, and how technology and systems have shifted. And stay posted in the next week or two... I've got a big announcement coming up about the Global Horizons podcast :) #internationaleducation #intled #highereducation
Rob Malicki’s Post
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In recent months we've heard the Australian Government pinning a chunk of blame for the current housing crisis on international students. In this episode of Global Horizons, Rob Malicki (The Global Society) and Dirk Mulder (The Koala News) talk about research that just dropped that torpedoes that narrow view. And it seems this really is a "mythbusting" episode, as we get into details of an excellent piece of analysis by the legenedary Alan Olsen looking at the difference between domestic and international students and their rates of passing subjects. For as long as international students have been coming to Australia, there has been a narrative in the mainstream press (and in sections of some campuses) that international students lower educational standards. But what if international students actually passed more subjects than domestic students? Wouldn't that tell a different story? We'll dive into Alan's analysis and what it reveals. Finally, Rob and Dirk are joined by Jason Howard, the founder of StudyLink (now part of the Flywire group). This is a great conversation looking at how the sector has changed over the decades that Jason has been involved, and how technology and systems have shifted. #intled #podcast #news
News flash! International Ed Myths BUSTED (plus the key news) by Global Horizons - The Australian International Education Podcast
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As international educators went about their work creating positive change in the world, far away in Canberra a Senate committee was sitting down to hear from sector experts. At stake: the short-term future of Australian international education, as the Government works towards making major changes to the way international education works in Australia. As Alec Webb remarked in his opening comments: “If our global competitors were to design a Bill that undermines the jobs, reputation, competitiveness, and the global market share built up by Australia’s higher education sector, it would be this Bill.” There were dozens of other forthright, cutting observations (catch the best ones in this article in The Koala News). Major changes like this come along every decade or so, and the changes proposed have the potential to upend decades of positive progress in both Australian international education and soft power. With so much at stake, Dirk Mulder and I are putting out this special deep dive analysis of the Senate hearings - so get up to speed quickly with what went down and what it means for our sector. #intled #internationaleducation #podcast
SPECIAL EPISODE: International Education in the Firing Line by Global Horizons - The Australian International Education Podcast
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Today’s guest on Global Horizons is one of the icons of Australian international education, and someone that I’ve learned an enormous amount from throughout my career, Melissa Banks (GAICD, IEAA SF) (Senior Partner at the Lygon Group) But there’s a specific reason I was really keen to get this episode published right now. Melissa and I sat down at the recent Australian International Education Conference (AIEC) where one of the pervasive topics of conversation amongst delegates was the upcoming caps on international students. As one of Australia’s leading international educators, and especially as someone who’s worked across a wide spectrum of the industry, I was fascinated to hear Melissa’s perspective. And what she told me was both surprising, but also classic Melissa Banks: wise, pragmatic, and opportunity-focused. I don’t want to spoil it with my clumsy description, so you’re just going to have to listen in! But amongst the wise reflections and priceless advice, there are some cracking stories that will make you smile, laugh and nod your head along. I’ll be honest here… sometimes when I record podcasts I don’t have time to go back and listen to the whole episode again (thank you to the Global Society legends who do our editing and proofing). But this is a conversation that I can’t wait to go back and listen to again and again. Whether you’re facing challenges in work or life, pondering your next career move, or considering a break, this conversation likely has the kernels of your answer, all wrapped up in goodness. And with that, that’s enough from me – I hope you enjoy this wide-ranging, incredibly valuable conversation with Melissa Banks. Lygon Group #internationaleducation #podcast
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Assessments can be engaging for students and interesting for instructors. They're the best kind. One of my favourite course projects in the International Summer Academy is the podcast aspect of the Global Citizenship Program. As part of their course project, in small research groups, students come together as guests with their teacher as host to our podcast studio to talk about the context of food insecurity in a chosen country, including current situation, causes, impacts, and possible solutions. This is in Week 2 of 3. Yeah, it could be sleeker; it could be a bit more narrative and easy-going, but these kids have only been in the course for <10 days at this point. It's the thrill of being in the studio that excites them and having done enough research to confidently talk in an impromptu situation is impressive enough! Then in the last week, groups put together an infographic about the country's food insecurity and then a 15-minute talk about their proposed solutions to an audience made up of other classes.
ISA GCP Podcast
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As the AIEC buzz quietly fades away, international educators are now looking ahead to the future... and changes are looming. Yes, there's the pending "caps" legislation, notionally due before Parliament on 18th November... but maybe not as the Government's legislative agenda is still quite full and sitting days are running short. But changes are looming in other areas too. The New Colombo Plan is currently consulting on its future direction, and on a global scale, the US Presidential Election has the potential to flip so many things upside down (at time of recording, the election result isn't yet known... how did we do on our predictions? You'll find out!) There are also some good news stories out there and international education has proven nothing if not resilient over the past few decades - some of the stories out there reinforce our sector's enormous commitment to our communities.
Global Horizons - The Australian International Education Podcast
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The Australian Catholic University (ACU) isn't necessarily one of Australia's "famous" universities. But that doesn't mean that it doesn't have some extraordinary areas of strength that will really suit some students! ACU is considered to be one of Australia's few "Multi-State" institutions, with several campuses in Sydney, plus campuses in Melbourne, Canberra, Brisbane, Ballarat, Townsville and, excitingly, in Rome! (Okay, acknowledged: Rome is in Italy, not in Australia). This wide footprint opens up some unique opportunities for students at ACU, which we talk about in this episode. We also dive into areas of strength for the institution, and what sorts of students are really well suited to studying there. It's an institution that instead talks a lot about being grounded in its values... and certainly many students will find ACU the perfect alternative to some of the huge metropolitan campuses. #choosingyouruni #podcast #highereducation
Australian Catholic Uni - What's Under The Hood? by Choosing Your Uni
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📚ℹ️ Introduction to our activity The project is motivated by the aim to enhance the learning and teaching experience through the usage of advanced online methodologies and tools for environmental science study programs. In our earlier post, we discussed how lecturers can enhance their digital expertise. Now, we intend to demonstrate the specific ways this is being implemented. 📆 In upcoming posts, we will provide examples of the initiatives undertaken within the Ukrainian-German Digital Teaching Network's key tasks. In particular, the examples will involve: - workshops; - webinars; - podcasts; - updated learning courses. #digitalteaching #teachingnetwork #TeachNet
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With the loud – and at times brutal – debate raging around international students recently, we released a special episode of our Debate@Go8 podcast series with some Go8 international students, as we wanted to put a human face to the whole debate. You can still catch that excellent episode here, but because we released that episode earlier than we normally would, we wanted to remind you about our previous episode with the director of the Australia-China Relations Institute, University of Technology Sydney, Professor James Laurenceson. We chatted with Professor Laurenceson about the Australia-China relationship with a focus on university-related matters like foreign interference, research collaboration and international students. You can catch that fascinating chat in full, here: Vicki Thomson The Group of Eight Ron Kandelaars Australia China Business Council National Foundation for Australia-China Relations (NFACR) 澳中基金会 International Education Association of Australia (IEAA) Geoff Raby Asia Society Australia
Prof. James Laurenceson talks Australia-China relations on Debate@Go8
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Approaching 4 years of HEDx podcast being published on Campus Review is time to reflect on what makes the news in Higher Ed. Erin Morley is the journalist who has led Campus Review's coverage for the last 6 months and manages our podcast distribution on this channel. We turn the focus and microphone on Erin this week and reflect on: 👉 waning interest in the Universities Accord, 👉 conflict on campuses and how it is managed here and elsewhere, 👉 how the nation is managing international students. And you would need to live under a rock to not notice how AI has exacerbated the change that a pandemic jolted us into, before a brief period of settling back into old ways. This is as the sector and regulators work out whether to continue to throw rocks at new technology or throw our arms around it as something that can change the operating and business models to sustainable levels. And all while our students and employers have decided they'll embrace technology advances in skills whatever universities think. Listen to one of the sector's emerging journalists reflect on what the stories are and where they are heading as succession in all aspects of our sector's work continues to take precedence over conservatism. Time to get on with it.
HEDx Podcast: A journalist’s take on current HE issues – Episode 128
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From time to time, we all find ourselves in situations where we're waiting, in between tasks, or stuck in traffic. In my case, I like to use that time to stay informed and continue learning by listening to podcasts (of course, not just then!). 🌻 That's why I highly recommend checking out the Future Learning Podcast to learn more about the amazing work that partners across the Cities of Learning network are doing! Listen along here 👉 #erasmusplus #nonformallearning #openbadges #learning #citiesoflearning
The Cities of Learning podcast is back 🎧 And we've got our new host Danijela Ranđelović 🙌 In this episode we meet Aušra Turskytė. An experienced youth worker, creator, project manager and local volunteer coordinator based in Vilnius, Lithuania, Aušra works at Žalianamis 🇱🇹 Listen along and discover how she's been developing a successful volunteering-mentorship program for young people to grow, discover themselves and to try out what it means to be a youth worker, using digital Open Badges 🎖️ Plus, hear about Aušra's own creative practises influence her youth work 🎶🎨 Listen along here 👉 🤝 Project co-funded by Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union #erasmusplus #nonformallearning #openbadges #learning #citiesoflearning
Future Learning Podcast
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