Last week we were in Paris, as part of ACCIÓ's mission to VivaTechnology. We detected that companies, such as Airbus and EDF, and investment funds, like Google Ventures and Breakthrough Energy, are aware of the urgency to act in the current climate situation and the need to do so proactively. To this end, they consider it essential to implement a global policy to find high-impact solutions.
But what are these solutions? Can we go beyond the capture and/or reduction of greenhouse gases? Opting for actual strategy will achieve climate solutions with minimal impact. If we seek to act in-situ on most of the Earth surface, the impact will be enormous.
The application of a disruptive, transcendent, and global technology, like Aircure®Tech, would provide real solutions to solve and improve the economy and the planet in an accelerated way.
Science already has these solutions.
Why are they not being considered, and we have been making the same mistakes for decades? Major players should ask these questions before defining a new strategy to face the climate situation.