Earlier this week, I narrowly avoided a collision with a motorbike, an experience that left me feeling shaken and apprehensive. Reflecting on this close call, my mind turned to a project I recently completed , that I dubbed “Pikipiki Manenoz," which centered around motorbike safety. Drawing upon principles of human-centered design and the socio-ecological model, this project explored interventions aimed at addressing the pervasive issue of motorbike accidents. Looking forward, I now recognize the potential impact of the strategies proposed in the project. Despite the chaos and sadness often associated with motorbike accidents, I believe there are opportunities for effective intervention and control. Do you think there is? Here is a link to the project slides https://lnkd.in/dv6WYZig Institute of Design and Innovation Kanana Pauline
Rose Njenga’s Post
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Watch this exclusive interview with Victor Zhang, Vice President of OMODA UK 📽 Victor sits down with Victoria Gill to discuss OMODA's exciting plans for the UK market and how we're partnering with Thatcham Research to enhance the insurability of our vehicles🚗 Watch the full episode below👇 #OMODA #OMODAUK #OMODA5 #OMODAE5
The Steer E22: OMODA and JAECOO Partner with Thatcham Research!
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During the first six months of the year, 65 million #passengers have traveled by public transport in #Tallinn. This sustainable option is free for the citizens and for the participants of events (including conferences) that have applied and received support from the city. It is also included in the Tallinn Card package! ❤️ On average, 360 thousand journeys were made by public transport per day over a period of 6 months. ❤️ Passengers were served by 441 buses, 34 trams and 32 trolleybuses on the city lines during the weekday peak. ❤️ Passengers are served by 82 city lines, including 6 night bus lines, as of the end of June. In the spring the fleet of Tallinna Linnatransport was replenished with new electric buses and the first 12 of the 23 modern PESA trams ordered will gradually arrive in Tallinn this year. In addition, preparations are being made to acquire new trolleybuses and gas buses. After all these innovations, we can say that Tallinn will have one of the most modern public transport vehicle fleets in Europe! #VisitTallinn #VisitEstonia #SustainableTransport #PublicTransport #CityBreak #TallinnCard
💚 AITÄH, ET LIIGUTE MEIEGA 💚 Aasta esimese kuue kuu jooksul on Tallinna ühistranspordiga sõitnud 65 miljonit reisijat. ☝ Keskmiselt tehti 6 kuu kokkuvõttes päevas ühistranspordiga 360 tuhat sõitu. ☝ Sõitjaid teenindasid linnaliinidel tööpäeva tippajal 441 bussi, 34 trammi ja 32 trolli. ☝ Sõitjaid teenindab juuni lõpu seisuga 82 linnaliini, sh 6 öö bussiliini. Kui täna teenindame linlasi tipptundidel 441 bussi, 34 trammi ja 32 trolliga ning kevadel täienes meie sõidukitepark uute elektribussidega, siis 23-st tellitud moodsast PESA trammist jõuavad käesoleva aasta jooksul Tallinna järk-järgult kohale esimesed 12. Lisaks teeme ettevalmistusi uute trollibusside ja gaasibusside hankimiseks. Kõikide nende uuenduste järel võime öelda, et Tallinnal saab olema Euroopa üks kaasaegseim ühistranspordi sõidukitepark. 👏 Loe lähemalt siit 👉 https://shorturl.at/1PPrp #liigumõnuga #julgeltulevikupoole
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Circular bioeconomy is critical component to sustainability in the aquaculture sector and one of our key aquaculture focus areas at NORCE.
♻Vi tenker bredt når vi forsker på sirkulær økonomi. I denne filmen kan du se noen eksempler på den kompetansen vi har på sirkulær økonomi i NORCE💡 Hans Kleivdal, Anne Ingeborg Myhr, Gro Bjerga, Dorinde M.M. Kleinegris, Fiona Provan, Trond Dokken, Kristin Flornes, Aina Berg, Sarah Gasda, Jon Harald Kaspersen, Emelie Langemyr Eriksen, Jukka Teräs, Tor Martin Austad, Visual_Lab #sirkulærøkonomi #ombruk #gjenbruk #gjenvinning
NORCE sine kompetanser på sirkulær økonomi
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🚃 A fascinating piece of (micro)mobility history from Estonia. In 1904 an engineer and entrepreneur named Uno Pohrt opened Uno Pohrt's Machine Factory in Central Estonia, Viljandi. In 1910 he constructed a vehicle that looked like a canoe with a huge propeller. It was one of the world's first aerosledges. 🛷 🔧 Being an inventor, Uno Pohrt had taken a big sledge and attached to it an engine and a plane propeller. It sounds absolutely insane, but on the first trip, he managed to gain speeds up to 25-35 km/h on ice. An improved version went over 70 km/h even in fields without heavy snow, while barely touching the ground. 🛫 Alongside three passengers he dashed through Estonian winter, breaking the seat when crossing a trench. They met up with landlord von Bock and continued the ride up to his manor. Could you imagine being a farmer in the middle of fields in 1910 and seeing something like this passing through?🍃 What a crazy time. Sadly we don't know, why his invention didn't become big, but we do know that he sold at least one copy to a manor landlord in Latvian area. For those who speak Estonian, you can read more from this article which I used to write this summary:
Insener Pohrti seninägematu aerosaan
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A HUN-REN Agrártudományi Kutatóközpont oldalán a Kutatóközponthoz tartozó 3 intézet - Mezőgazdasági Intézet, Növényvédelmi Intézet és a Talajtani Intézet - tevékenységéről számolunk be. 👉 Ha érdekel ez a tudományterület, akkor ➡ #followformore On the LinkedIn page of the HUN-REN Centre for Agricultural Research , we report on the activities of the 3 institutes belonging to the Research Center - the Agriculture Institute, the Plant Protection Institute and the Institute of Soil Sciences. 👉 If you are interested in this field of science, then ➡ #followformore
A HUN-REN ATK Növényvédelmi Intézetének fiatal kutatója, Ujszegi János vehette át a Magyar Tudományos Akadémia által alapított Akadémiai Ifjúság Díját. Gratulálunk a rangos elismeréshez kutatóközpontunk fiatal kollégájának! #HUNRENATK #CentreForAgriculturalResearch #research #science
Ujszegi János, a HUN-REN ATK Növényvédelmi Intézet fiatal kutatója vehette át az MTA Akadémiai Ifjúság Díját
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Yi-Lai Industry Launches New Product Range To Capture Wider Market. Tap the link to read the full story: https://lnkd.in/ezdaxrqK #YiLaiIndustry #BursaMalaysia #YBVentures #AlphaTiles #TalosLivingTiles #BoonSiong #KokSokeKuen #SamSee #DatukSriTajudinMdIsa #TheLeadersandExecutives #InvestmentandMarketTrends #TrendNewsandUpdates #AudienceandReaders #TheExchangeAsia
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Müra saastamine: Tallinna trammi liin Tallinna uue trammi liini eraldav müra saastamine kontrastib teravalt Prantsusmaa süsteemide rahuga. Hoolimata Tallinna 70-80 detsibellilistest väljakutsetest, on segadusttekitav, miks lihtsaid parandusi pole tehtud. Prantsusmaa pakub mudelit vaiksemale transpordile, tekitades küsimusi ehitustavade kohta. Õppides Prantsusmaa rõhuasetusest helikindlusele ja kogukonna kaasamisele, saab Tallinn prioriteerida innovaatilist disaini ja põhjalikke ehitustehnikaid müra häirimise leevendamiseks. Alustagem algusest, käsitledes mürasaastet juurtest, et tagada kõigile harmooniline linnakeskkond. Kas saate toetada iga 5 minuti järel 70 detsibelli? #UrbanDevelopment #Transportation #NoisePollution #Tallinn #visittallinn
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Leading Lithuanian business YouTube channel PROTO INDUSTRIJA presents an intriguing and engaging conversation with KIKA Group co-founders Janita J. Plunge and Tauras Plungė. Did you know the founders had a prophetic dream that led them from running a successful dog breeding kennel to building a pet food factory? Tune in to this fascinating interview to discover more about KIKA and its founders. #KIKA #ProtoIndustrija #Entrepreneurship #PetFood
#121 savo šuns kirpimas nuvedė iki rimto verslo. Dervos 3D spausdinimui. Tarptautinė klinika.
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Mental Health coach|Team-building Facilitator|Behavioral and Human Centered Designer
8moThis is a good presentation, loved how you've shown the personas and the How Might We that inform the design. Keep on keeping on👊🏾