Robert "RP" Beuerlein’s Post

Pay transparency gets a lot of airtime. People want to know what a job pays before they invest their valuable time in applying. After all, even the most incredible job in the world is not viable if it does not pay enough. As a recruiter for 15+ years, “How much does it pay?” is one of the most common questions I hear up front. But now, in HR circles, I’m hearing more and more about another concept: the salary floor. This is the baseline amount that every employee in a company will make. While it’s not exactly relevant to the pay of a specific position — after all, a contender for a management or leadership role doesn’t necessarily care about the salary floor — this metric is indicative of a company’s general talent economics and pay transparency values. As one excellent example that Worklife shared last month, the independent, nonprofit news agency 19th News, headquartered in Austin, has a salary floor of $70K in a market where the average journalist makes far less: $57K. Reading this, I think, “19th News is committed to paying talent well.” Important to publishing salary floors: revisit them periodically to ensure they align with cost-of-living increases. Otherwise, it’s all just lip service.

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