"There are so many solutions and precedents. I don't see how I can innovate and stand out." ☝ For many young professionals, this is a demoralising realisation they face when they join large, established companies. So here's how I encouraged my mentee: 🌟 Learn to be a problem-finder. In a dynamic and fast-changing world, old solutions and precedents might solve the problem, but there are possible gaps. Learn how to ✅ observe stakeholders along the chain ✅ recognise the crux of the problem ✅ analyse the precedent/solution ✅ identify meaningful change Before innovation, our seniors found the problems and designed solutions or precedents. But back then, problems were larger, more painful and obvious, so becoming a problem-finder wasn't a necessary skill set. What other new skills do you think young professionals need? I'd love to hear your thoughts!
As a once younger professional 😁, one important skill / mindset I have found useful is to "eat the frog". Doing the most difficult task at the start of the day first so that I would not procrastinate on it. Also, achieving small progress on the difficult task gives me a morale boost for the rest of the day.
(whispers to Ruth Lee) I grew up watching MacGyver But but but I discovered I am veli veli veli good at taking things apart Putting them back together, dat's a different story lah How lah liddis? 🤷♂️
Critical thinking: Being able to analyze existing solutions objectively and identify potential weaknesses or areas for improvement.
Great points Ruth Lee. I might also add to learn to be a critical thinker. Solve the right problem, ask the right questions and combine that with an appreciation of the unspoken norms or nuances in the environment.
Young ones may have ideas that may sell well to their age group which older ones may not thought of it.
Ruth Lee - One timeless skill is identifying the real root cause of the problem.
Oh yes, locating a problem first is a wonderful skill. Lot's of problem solvers out there... not a lot of problem finders!
Ruth Lee Finding the problem is certainly a useful skill to have. I'd say communicating the problem + getting stakeholder buy-in to solve the problem (and adopt the solution(s) in the long run) are useful skills too.
Principal Consultant | • Talent Partner for Engineering/Built Environment/Technical sectors | • HR Processes Consultant | • HR Services Outsourced Partner
11moTalk to the front line employees. A short session helps in understanding if there is bottleneck in their work. Also when employees notice some small hiccups at work etc, write them down. When there are connected issues over a short period of time, that's wheb they can look into the issues and raise up the matters.