Theory —> Practical Feeling proud about finally using PSM/Community medicine textbook knowledge in practise. All the hard-work and reading isn’t going to waste. 💪📚 Today I referred a 5 month primigravida with preterm labour to higher center under JSSK scheme. 🤰🩺🚑 Do you remember what is JSSK about? #CommunityCare #Primigravida #JSSK #GovtPolicy #MaternalHealth
Amazing to witness this schemes getting utilized. Keep it up.
Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay Medical College (MBBS) . Aspiring Surgeon.
5moJssk - Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram. Beneficiaries - ANC, in labour, PNC till 6weeks and infants. Entitles pregnant women for FREE Delivery, diet, drugs, diagnostics, transport, Blood transfusion if needed. Infant receives NRC, NBSU, SNFC, IMNCI facilities.