The Delhi High Court ruled in favor of Satwant Singh Sanghera, a former Kingfisher Airlines pilot, against a tax demand of over Rs 11 lakh. The petitioner had filed his taxes, and the airline deducted TDS but failed to deposit it with the government. Citing Section 205 of the Income Tax Act, which limits tax liability to the amount deducted at source, the court ruled that the petitioner was not liable for taxes the company failed to remit. The court set aside the demand and ordered the tax department to refund the amount to the petitioner. Case: Satwant Singh Sanghera Vs. Assistant Commissioner of Income TaxW.P.(C) 13765/2024 & CM APPL. 57690/2024 For more information contact us on : +919975637699 or visit our website #delhihighcourt #taxdemand #taxliability #refund #tds #section205 #incometaxact
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