21 L&Ds. 5 minutes each. 1 slide each. 1 question to answer.
What's the question L&Ds should ask in 2025? 💜
We realized that one of the things we need to improve in L&D is what questions we're asking.
So we're bringing everyone together in a bit of inception - we asked all our 21 speakers the same question 👆🏻 and all of them will bring their answer (or better said, their question) on December 12th to our first and only Offbeat Sparks Online.
💜 We'll have 2 sessions, with ±11 different speakers each
⏰ 9 AM CET and 5 PM CET. You can join both, or just one
🎉 Each session lasts 1 hour and a half. Speakers have 5 minutes each. We're preparing a networking activity for 20 minutes
💰 The event is FREE
You can register right here to listen to (hm, hm, let me get ready for a long list!)
Ajay, Anamaria, Darryn, Eikris, Ingeborg, Laura, Megan, Saad, Lena, Srishti, Steph (at 9 AM CET → https://lu.ma/1ajly8oy), and
Heidi, Bo, Sarah, Rita, Moritz, Marie, Conrado, Natalie, DJ, Lori (at 5 PM CET → https://lu.ma/9m9t7gq3)
They come from 12 countries from all over the world, with different backgrounds, and different ideas. So if perspective is what you're looking for, oh boy, you'll get it!
SO LOOKING FORWAAAARD to closing this year properly!! 🥳🥳🥳
#learninganddevelopment #offbeat