Sagaform AB’s Post

Have you met Ida Nilsson? At Sagaform & Byon, she ensures we make our mark in the latest media, forges collaborations where we most want to be seen, and builds connections that stand the test of time. All with a lot of heart. And yes, so much more. Meet Ida Nilsson, our PR Manager at Sagaform & Byon, in our series Meet the Team. Hello, Ida! 👋 What is the most enjoyable part of working with Byon & Sagaform? Definitely the people. It’s a company filled with warmth and thoughtfulness, but also a place with an open atmosphere and a lot of creativity. As a consultant, you’re used to sometimes feeling excluded, but with the friends at Sagaform, I always feel like part of the team. Plus, it’s, of course, extra fun to work with beautiful products that are genuinely appreciated – it makes you proud of what you communicate. What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received? From my wise father when problems seem too big: “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.” What do you do to unwind after a hectic workday? I head out to the forest with my dogs or go for a drive. Alone time in the car is actually underrated when life is speeding at 200 km/h, and you decide you just want to drive at 30 km/h. If you had to choose a favourite product from Byon or Sagaform, what would it be and why? If I really must choose one – nearly impossible! From Byon: the Triton Vase. I love the colour, and it always puts me in a good mood, whether it stands alone or holds a beautiful bouquet of flowers. From Sagaform, it would probably be the Viva Vase, especially the smaller ones. Perfect for cuttings, hyacinths, or small bouquets.

Ida Nilsson

PR, kommunikation & sånt - utvecklar affärer och varumärken



Martina Johansson

PR-strateg / Partner at Manifest PR



Sara Wernerby

Marketing Manager at Byon & Sagaform


Bästa Ida Nilsson ❤️

Jenny Plasidius

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Du är en stjärna Ida! Lysande som alltid. ⭐️ ❤️

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