There's a huge change coming down the tracks, are you ready for it?
Time to think outside the box!! When everyone appears to be looking at it one way, it’s time to look the other way… The media and social media are all talking about how tough it is at the minute e.g. how 2 tier Keir and his chancellor have no clue what they’re doing and how Mr Trump is going to solve his country’s problems by insulating it from the rest of the world back. Personally, I think Trump and Elon Musk are going to achieve things that the world’s leaders are going to fight against but will ultimately replicate parts of, to solve the same challenges they are up against. My take is that they are coming at their challenges with BIG thinking, disregarding the past norms and creating new ways of tackling those challenges for the greater goal of reducing costs and creating massive potential growth for their country. Whether in the sands of time they are proved right or wrong only time will tell. If we are to achieve something epic in our own lives, we too must think outside the box and on a big scale (for us) regardless of how those around us will say they can’t see it working… Herein lays the challenge for us in the SME business world; our financial institutions only ever see the world through an empirical lens which is why they have fixed ideas around how business works, but as we’ve seen from the past, it’s the mavericks like Henry Ford, Richard Branson and Elon Musk who find new ways of achieving things that most say cannot be done While clearly I’m not remotely on a par with these titans of business, what I can see, is a huge amount of turbulence on the business landscape across 2025, by way of example it’s clear that the repercussions from the recent UK budget will see unemployment, inflation and interest rates rise in the months ahead which of course will have huge effects on the SME business landscape for those who are not already planning what they’ll do to dissolve these challenges and take advantage of the opportunities that will inevitably materialise. It’s time to think big and create strategies for growth through the impending recession, especially as we are fast approaching a new year so that we are ready to pivot towards where most are NOT looking. The 3 main areas that I believe will sail through the upcoming turbulent times are specific areas in the construction sector, longevity med tech and renewables, if you’re in one of these sectors it’s going to be a very interesting time ahead. Please do share your thought about how you see the business landscape over the next 12 months…