when you are transitioning out, this isn't high on the list of things you are worried about......but it should be.
Be proactive. Make sure your medical records are complete. Get a copy of anything documenting accidents, injuries, illnesses, etc. My entire active duty medical record was lost after I transferred off of the boat, and mine is not an isolated incident.
Talking with a trained Pre-discharge representative can help you recall all of the potential negative health risks and exposures that you need to make sure are documented before you leave the service.
Are you within 180 days of discharge from the military? The VFW can help with that! Find a VFW Pre-Discharge representative to assist you through the claims process on or near major military installations across the country!
Shout out to our friends at Wounded Warrior Project for their continued support of the VFW Pre-Discharge program, helping us assist our nation’s separating military personnel! #FurtherTogether #FORVETERANS