What we're seeing in Labor's environmental and climate actions is a total breakdown in any commitment to a sustainable future.
In fact, we're seeing complete capitulation to the gas and coal industries. Accompanying spin by the government is attempting to hide reality behind a wall of miniscule "achievements" that are so inconsequential they are laughable ie. building back tiny sections of the Great Barrier Reef that will die in the next bleaching.
I saw a gas advert on SBS last night that brazenly used the words "renewable gas", a statement that defies reality. When gas burns its gone, it's a physical impossibility for it to renew itself.
How that advert got on SBS is all about money not physics
While biodiversity loss is increasing at an alarming rate (eg. massively increased coral die off) our governments, with the support of many extractive industries, are ramping up propaganda about what they are doing for the environment and climate change.
As an environmental lobbyist in a previous time I've seen how this works: it's called "rub my back and I'll rub yours"! In those days the costs were low and there was no social media. People Power was influential.
But the stakes, and money, are much higher these days. The innocence has gone and the game has turned filthy. Huge corporations can pour vast amounts of money into advertising and lobbying that rubs the politicians backs and leaves us environmentalists stranded in the backwaters.
The only way we can bring about change is by acting together, by calling out the lies over and over again, and not caving in.
Everything you do to reverse this trend makes a difference.
Technology Strategist
6moI'd be astonished if that happened, but I live in hope.