Inscerpt from "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel: “True justice is paying only once for each mistake. True injustice is paying more than once for each mistake. How many times do we pay for one mistake? The answer is 1000 times. The human is the only animal on earth that pays 1000 times for the same mistake. The rest of the animals pay once for every mistake they make. But not us. We have a powerful memory. We make a mistake, we judge ourselves, we find ourselves guilty, and we punish ourselves. If justice exists, then that was enough we don’t need to do it again. But every time we remember, we judge ourselves again, we are guilty again, and we punish ourselves again, and again, and again. If we have a wife or husband he or she will also remind us of the mistake so we can judge ourselves again, punish ourselves again, and find ourselves guilty again. Is that fair? How many times do we make our spouse, our children, or our parents pay for the same mistake? Every time we remember the mistake, we blame them again and send them all the emotional poison. We feel at the injustice, and then we make them pay again for the same mistake. Is that Justice?” Forgive yourself, forgive others and you will be free.🙌 #tips #TipTuesday
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Inscerpt from "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel: “True justice is paying only once for each mistake. True injustice is paying more than once for each mistake. How many times do we pay for one mistake? The answer is 1000 times. The human is the only animal on earth that pays 1000 times for the same mistake. The rest of the animals pay once for every mistake they make. But not us. We have a powerful memory. We make a mistake, we judge ourselves, we find ourselves guilty, and we punish ourselves. If justice exists, then that was enough we don’t need to do it again. But every time we remember, we judge ourselves again, we are guilty again, and we punish ourselves again, and again, and again. If we have a wife or husband he or she will also remind us of the mistake so we can judge ourselves again, punish ourselves again, and find ourselves guilty again. Is that fair? How many times do we make our spouse, our children, or our parents pay for the same mistake? Every time we remember the mistake, we blame them again and send them all the emotional poison. We feel at the injustice, and then we make them pay again for the same mistake. Is that Justice?” Forgive yourself, forgive others and you will be free.🙌 #tips #TipTuesday
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Inscerpt from "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel: “True justice is paying only once for each mistake. True injustice is paying more than once for each mistake. How many times do we pay for one mistake? The answer is 1000 times. The human is the only animal on earth that pays 1000 times for the same mistake. The rest of the animals pay once for every mistake they make. But not us. We have a powerful memory. We make a mistake, we judge ourselves, we find ourselves guilty, and we punish ourselves. If justice exists, then that was enough we don’t need to do it again. But every time we remember, we judge ourselves again, we are guilty again, and we punish ourselves again, and again, and again. If we have a wife or husband he or she will also remind us of the mistake so we can judge ourselves again, punish ourselves again, and find ourselves guilty again. Is that fair? How many times do we make our spouse, our children, or our parents pay for the same mistake? Every time we remember the mistake, we blame them again and send them all the emotional poison. We feel at the injustice, and then we make them pay again for the same mistake. Is that Justice?” Forgive yourself, forgive others and you will be free.🙌 #tips #TipTuesday
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Take what you need. I know it's cheesy. I know it doesn't do anything to abolish the structural inequalities. But I made these cards so I could think "what do I need right now?" and if I can move towards it. Or, if not, give myself some grief space for the impossibilities. (If you understandably can't read my writing the offerings are: justice, guidance, reassurance, nature, grace, connection, strength, calm and safety). Today I really long for justice and safety. The response (for me) is understanding justice is going to be a slow process and sometimes one that isn't very just. So in the mean time I'm trying to provide connection to those in my circle also experiencing injustice. Making care packages, writing letters, thanking those who are traversing this process with me. As for safety, today will be a quiet day and I will try to settle my terror ridden body-mind, or at least, just sit with her and see what she needs. Is there anything you'd like to take today, or perhaps going into the week?
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🚨*Update: y’all, Orwell didn’t write this. I don’t care. I would quote Mr. Peabody of the Jersey crosspike if he originally said it. If you blindly need a leader to do what’s right in your life then hell, I’ll claim it. It’s mine now. And I mean every word of it. Not one cluck given. Peace ✌🏾 🔥 In this time of extraordinary violence, to the earth, to people, obscene profiteering off of human and animal misery and ecocide and continued slavery, and the rampant disinformation to hide their crimes in a time when big brother is lashing back against them in their face and there is nowhere to hide, I challenge you to speak up. Speak up. Speak up. Be the witness, be the change. If we are all speaking, they can’t shadowban and economically suppress and silence all of us. They can’t fire all of us en masse. And if they do, you go back and sue them in a class action for wrongful dismissal and set a precedent based in the rule of law for this not to go forward ever more. But if we are divided, they absolutely will silence us, and they have done so in the past, they continue to do so until this very day, and if we capitulate, we are passing the buck down to our children and future generations who will bear the brunt of not knowing. Write it down, your perspective of this time, the things that the powers that be don’t want you to say. Because the irregularities are glaring now. Write your books. Use recycled paper and print some of those books. We need written accounts. #truthbomb #freedomofspeech #bethechange #forposterity
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I used to hate my name. Growing up, I never met anyone named Alexis. I often got asked “like the car?” when I told people my name. “No, like the person” I’d say. I didn’t want to be associated with an object. As I got older, I was often accused of using a fake name. It frustrated me that my name was so uncommon. I wanted my name to be Sarah. It’s such a pretty and traditional name. Years later, I decided to look up my own. Alexis, derived from Greek origin, means “defender” or “protector”. Well, wouldn’t you know… This might partially explain why I became known as the “Queen of Fairness” by my family because I’d always speak up when I felt someone was being wrongfully treated. Or why I worked in public relations for the Oakland County Animal Control, helping animals that couldn’t help themselves. And certainly why I ultimately decided to become an attorney. Sometimes the things we dislike about ourselves are the very things that foreshadow our greatest strengths. Now, I’m not saying my mom named me because she knew I’d grow up defending business owners and helping them protect their success. (But she is a lawyer too, so not totally out of the realm of reason. I digress. ) I’m saying that instead of fighting to change who you are, I’d encourage you to look a little deeper. The world needs your unique story, especially if you’re an entrepreneur. And while I still think Sarah is a lovely name, I’m pretty happy being Alexis. #smallbusiness #businessattorney #bedifferent #mindset #success
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Don’t go it alone. Sometimes visitors ask me if they should talk to a lawyer. (Yes,I’m a lawyer but I don’t serve my clients in that capacity) I always say follow your intuition. If it feels like you should, you probably should. I understand where that question comes from. Having trouble at work for any reason brings up fears about the unknown and the future. It’s that terrible feeling of knowing you don’t know enough and wanting to armor up-fast. I’ve been there. You don’t want to do any of it alone. What made the difference in the quality of the decisions I made and the level of my anxiety was…a lawyer. You really need a lawyer who is regular folks. Someone who knows their law and gives you all your options and their knowledgeable suggestions for strategy. Someone who gets the tremendous emotional strain and helps you bear it (within reason. That’s why G-d made therapists). That’s Michelle in a nutshell. She will be straight with you. She will help She will be funny, too.
Workplace trauma lawyer. I help with “escape planning” to ensure your safe exit from a toxic workplace. Abolish NDAs and non-disparagement clauses. Allergic to BS. I often block jerks.
humble brag coming your way! I don't like to talk about my clients here but when they give you permission I'm so grateful. Melissa worked for a large company that would intimidate anybody. I was happy to assist her in getting a far better severance deal than she was initially offered. you don't have to go it alone. always speak with an attorney. it may mean a lot more money, not to mention peace of mind and moral support.
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Justice for the Innocent: A Call to Our Humanity In a world where we should be nurturing hope, we are faced with the heart-wrenching reality of a young life brutally taken. This is not just another news story—this is a cry for help, a plea for justice, a reminder of our shared humanity. We live in a society that prides itself on culture, on values, on the sanctity of life. But what do these words mean when a child is left unprotected, vulnerable to the worst evils? Where have we gone wrong that such tragedies still occur? This isn’t just about laws or systems. It’s about us—every single one of us. It’s about how we, as human beings, respond to the pain of others. Do we turn away, or do we stand up and demand better? Do we accept this as the norm, or do we fight with all our might to ensure no other child suffers this fate? We must remember that justice is not just a legal verdict; it’s a moral duty. It’s our responsibility to create a world where love, safety, and respect are not just ideals but realities for every child, every woman, every human being. Let this tragedy not be in vain. Let it be the spark that ignites our collective will to change—to protect, to stand up, to speak out. We owe it to that young girl, every innocent life, and ourselves. Will we be the generation that finally makes a difference? #JusticeForTheInnocent #HumanityFirst #ProtectOurChildren #StandUpForJustice #WeAreTheChange #NeverAgain
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So true and expertly written!
Killing the Spirit... P.NUTT the Squirrel-example of misappropriation of the law. Life is lived in color. Laws are meant to serve the needs of the population in that moment in time, and thusly subject to interpretion, needing updates and to be changed frequently. Officials took the hand-raised squirrel away from a loving home, where he pushed the boundaries of animal/human interaction showing us that animals truly do have personalities, are capable of love, joy, and communicate in many ways beyond words. "The squirrel and his human family lived in a sanctuary in Pine City that has turned into a place for animals that may not have had the best lives to come and live stress free, and with loving people around them." Of course he would be scared and use all of his defenses when put in a situation he doesn't understand around people he doesn't know. Once again, some humans are really stupid. Did the officer that got bit wait to see if he became sick? No, they took, they misused the "power" granted by their occupation and literally killed, for no valid reason. And in so doing killed more than a mere squirrel. They killed the spirit of the human/animal bond. P.NUTT a joyful, innocent, loving ambassador from the animal kingom to the human race. These atrocities happen in other ways to children, to adults, to senior citizens being put in a broken system, or mistreated. As a global society, we need to understand how important it is to not make these mistakes. The delicate nature of such beautiful and special beings are sparks, shedding light on the best of what the world is made of. They need kindness, open minds and hearts, support, and encouragement to thrive because they make the world a better place. (In a Kismedical parallel, my stories lead to "The Lost and then Found Souls of the Pines" A coincidence, I just noticed P.Nutt lived in Pine City. He was lost then found, then wrongly destroyed. My fictional stories are about humans, similar situation. With each stroke of the key, I write to teach awareness, perspective in the hopes exploitation becomes inconceivable. The reality is up to the actions of the people, of the society in which we live, the laws that govern the ability to take action, the warmth of a heart that loves and sees the soul in front of them, and the spirit of a globe making choices that make sense supporting the betterment of every being on the planet.) 💗
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For Calen, sacrificing their safety means standing up for non-human animals who cannot advocate for themselves. How do you lay down your safety in furtherance of activism? Tune in to hear Calen discuss what it’s like to lead the charge and choose to accept risks in pursuit of justice. Want to learn more about what it means to take such risks in support of your beliefs? Get your copy of "Match-Striking for Beginners" today!
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7moIndeed, there is so much power in forgiving..Embrace it and nurture your and others well-being, set yourself free and witness the positive transformations in life.