Sara Pantuliano’s Post

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Chief Executive at ODI Global

It has been such an honour to chair the VII Advisory Group of the United Nations Secretary General's #Peacebuilding Fund over the past two years. I sat down with the brilliant Elizabeth Spehar, Assistant Secretary-General for Peacebuilding Support in the UN Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA) department, to reflect on the key achievements of the VII Advisory Group, how the Fund is uniquely placed to be a catalyst for transformation across the wider peacebuilding community, the importance to define #impact for peacebuilding work, and the urgent need to provide the Fund with more resources – which are critically low despite demand for the Fund continuing to grow. The conversation is split into two parts: Part 1: 📽️ Part 2: 📽️ #InvestInPeace #Peacebuilding #Peace UN Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA)

Conversation ASG Elizabeth Spehar and Sara Pantuliano - part 1

Rae McGrath

Writer and Independent Advisor, Humanitarian, Conflict & Political


I hate to ask this question Sara, but what exactly have the Advisory Group and Fund actually achieved? It seems that high level peace discussions run on parallel tracks to warfare - without ever bringing an end to the fighting. This is not criticism, it's observation.

Burçak Başbuğ, PhD, SFHEA, MICPEM

Professor of Statistics and Disaster Science, Policy Advisor on DRM/DRR/Resilience/Development/Climate change adaptation



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