This photo (blurred deliberately) is people lining up in #Birmingham city centre yesterday for a hot meal. Across the UK, we not only have nearly 7500 #foodbanks (half run by charities and the other half by schools), but the 'soup kitchen' has returned as many people in temporary accommodation have no access to cooking facilities. A decent home is a fundamental human right, yet so many, through no fault evictions, loss of social housing and a chronic shortage of affordable private rental properties, find themselves on the street, invisibly homeless as sofa-surfers, or in unsatisfactory temporary accommodation. Many of these are 'working poor' who have no viable options. We must ensure everyone has access to a stable home as this underpins everything in a well-functioning society. #home #housing #socialhousing #healthandwellbeing #nutrition #mentalhealth #society #humanrights #privaterentedsector #nofaultevictions #temporaryaccommodation #homelessness #foodbanks #foodpoverty #workingpoor
That is so trje everyone deserves a place to live and food and water and clothes as well
This is shocking to see & thank you for shining a light on it Sarah Daly. So many charities are also struggling due to the surging demand.
Totally agree with you Sarah Daly , we have to start with safe and secure homes which enable people to build up from there
Modern Victorian era isn't it? And somewhat as the The Centre for Social Justice highlights, dramatically, in their excellent Two Nations Report. We need energy efficient and healthy homes. And lots of them!! The seat of health promotes wealth!