Ever since I lost my sister to suicide, the grief has been deep, it has been consistently there and it’s been something I’m learning to live with. I’ll be going about my day, feeling good about it, doing the things I need to…and all of a sudden, it’ll be this wave that hits me of her memory, and I’ll stop in my tracks realizing that I’ll never see her again, how is that even real? But it is. And life goes on. There are many in this world that have loved and lost, and each person grieves for their loved one in their own way, whether it’s an illness or an accident. To lose a loved one to suicide though is seemingly different, I’m not saying it’s more or less or above or below, I’m just using the word different. You know, when the coroner’s report says “intentional” in black and white, you question in your mind over and over, why did you do this intentionally? But here’s what I have come to know, it was not intentional at all….because I know she intended to LIVE, she intended to THRIVE….but WITHOUT the mental pain, without the psychological turmoil. She had every intention to want to get better because she knew how much she was loved and how much she loved the life she created. So no, it was not intentional, when the mind knows no other way to end the pain, then ending one’s life seems to be the only way. I’ll end by saying this, be intentional in asking the question about suicidal thoughts, listening and understanding what it means when it is spoken by someone you love. Know that it’s a clinical problem that needs immediate attention, diagnosis and treatment, the earlier this can be done, the more lives we will save. I miss you sis. I’ll never stop doing what I’m doing in your honor and memory. I’ll never let your legacy die. 💙🙏🏽❤️🩹🐘 #suicideprevention #mentalhealthawareness
Very sorry to hear about your loss Saroni Kundu, I can only imagine what you might be going through. May the unique bond you both shared bring you comfort and strength.🤗
This was a beautiful message. Thank you for sharing your grief and your perspective with us. It took real courage. ❤️
Sending my love and virtual hug
Very sorry about your loss Saroni.
Sorry to hear about your irreparable loss, may God give you the strength at such low time!
May God Bless your today and everyday forward with His Love-Light-Peace-Joy and Grace Saroni Kundu❤️
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10moStill don’t have the courage to accept the loss of Pupul. The countless memories of spending time with her outside the UB library and the many parties will always be in our hearts. The way you express your grief, honor her memory and move forward day by day speaks volumes about your love for her. She'll always be in our hearts ❤️