Satyam Shivam’s Post

View profile for Satyam Shivam

Engineer | B.Tech in CSE(Data Science) | Problem Solver | C++(5 Star) | SQL(5 Star)

🚀 Day 30 Completed: GfG160: 160 Days of Problem-Solving 🎉 Today, I successfully solved my 30th problem of the #GFG160Challenge: "Search in Rotated Sorted Array" 💡 Problem Overview: Given a sorted and rotated array arr[] of distinct elements, the task is to find the index of a target key. Return -1 if the key is not found. #gfg160 #geekstreak2024 #GeeksforGeeks #ProblemSolving #LearningJourney #Programming

  • graphical user interface, text, application

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