There are more than 100 organizations in the U.S. that support and disseminate documentaries by people of color. Yet, many of these organizations have remained invisible to philanthropy and to the documentary sector. Color Congress is on a mission to change that. By supporting, resourcing, and connecting this ecosystem of organizations, they are building a #NewAmericanNarrative that reflects the real faces, voices, and perspectives of our multiracial democracy. Read the latest report by Color Congress' brilliant Co-EDs Sahar Driver & Sonya Crespo Childress to learn more. And if you're a funder, I invite you to explore opportunities to fund this vital work -- either by supporting Color Congress, or directly funding one of their 100+ member organizations across the U.S. and territories. Download report below!
Rob Berkeley MBE I bet you already know about this.
CEO and Founder jdcPARTNERSHIPS, Founder + Lead Facilitator, Luminare Group and Founder, Equitable Evaluation Initiative
8moFilm and media are one way in which we share our truths and expand and nuance our collective understanding and knowledge. It matters who is behind the camera and who is in front of it. Thx for highlighting Shaady Salehi