After a successful rebranding of the RTL Belgium brands, Shake has once again been entrusted to build the campaign for RTL tvi's exciting new prime-time TV show, Starmaker ⭐️ Starmaker’s unique concept had to resonate quickly with Belgian audiences, so our campaign invited everyone to experience a night as a star—both contestants and viewers included. Our creative team worked on selecting the stars, directing, styling, and utilizing AI to create step-by-step imagery. We also handled all aspects of photo editing. Discover more about our work for Starmaker and the results of the campaign on our website! #TBT
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As filmmakers strive to create cinematic visuals on a budget, brands like 7Artisans and Sirui have stepped in, offering affordable cine lenses without compromising on quality. Whether you're shooting in low light or aiming for that coveted anamorphic look, these lenses provide impressive options for indie filmmakers and content creators. 7Artisans is known for its fast primes and low-light capability, while Sirui has gained recognition for making anamorphic lenses accessible to a wider audience. In this article, we explore the key differences, pros, and cons of these two brands and how they fit into the modern filmmaker's toolkit
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#BroadcastDesign #NewsOpener #ChannelID"broadcast design masterpiece created in Cinema4D! Dive into the realm of creativity where every frame tells a story. #Cinema4D #BroadcastDesign #MotionGraphics #CreativeJourney"
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TERRIFIC NEWS for the industry! With this move Sony Pictures takes control of two of the most neglected Ps of movie marketing: Price and Place. Exhibition has gotten pricing wrong for years, with the cost of a movie ticket outpacing inflation by a staggering amount over the past 25 years, corresponding with an ever-smaller audience. (See link in comments below.) And they've also struggled to make the experience clean and comfortable as well, which erodes value. Oh, and one of the other Ps is greatly improved by this as well: People. Marketing attribution and efficiency can be greatly improved by this. For those who think this will lead to anti-competitive outcomes, that would be a good (and easy) problem to solve if it were to come to that again, but right now the business needs a shakeup like this, and the investment it comes with. #sony #sonypictures #alamodrafthouse #movies
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Continuing the story of the BRIDGE TV Deluxe project! 📺✨ More glass, more beauty! The main challenge was our collaboration with SHAN DESIGN: they handled the creative concepts, while we executed them. In previous collaborations, tasks were clearly defined, with a solid understanding of what was feasible. But this time, we decided to take a different approach — we removed all limitations! 🚀 The creative team unleashed their wildest ideas, from dynamic transformations to seamless transitions and fluid merging of elements. Seeing their vision, we embraced the challenge with the tools at our disposal and got to work! Our goal was to make the glass look fluid yet solid, creating a slow, elegant, and unique feel. As this was the most significant project for the director of BRIDGE TV, we aimed to deliver the best design possible. And I believe we did just that! 💪 #DesignChallenge #MotionGraphics #BroadcastDesign #3DAnimation #CreativeCollaboration #Blender #Cinema4D #Redshift #DigitalArt #CreativeProcess #ProjectSuccess #Teamwork #VisualDesign
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NPO Doc visual identity At CapeRock we are proud of our contribution to NPO Doc, the new NPO label that was launched during International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam (IDFA). We have developed the logo, visual identity, ident, program opener, tag-on that give this platform a recognisable look. NPO Doc is the platform from the public broadcasters for documentaries. From new productions and viewing tips to unique stories from behind the scenes – NPO Doc brings it all together, via streaming and on-demand, television, website, social media and newsletters. In line with the visual strategy of the NPO netstyling, we have developed a design in which the iconic diamond takes center stage. This dynamic form activates from the center, connects and makes the inspiring world of documentaries come to life. Thanks to Myreille Dekkers and Martine Bannink for the great collaboration on NPO Doc. If you want to know more about the NPO netstyling, check here: #CapeRock #NPO #NPODoc #Branding #Design #VisualIdentity
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More production data. Bad but starting to trend in the right direction. These are based on 1st day of principal photography which on the average means VFX lands ~6 months later for artists working en masse on a given project. A little faster in TV/Episodic and potentially a little longer with a blockbuster film, but as a general mean its solid.
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A good article on the state of media preservation in the industry. It also points to why it’s important for us to maintain actual physical media. #dga #cinema #television #technology #bluray
“It’s a Silent Fire”: Decaying Digital Movie and TV Show Files Are a Hollywood Crisis
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This is such a great article on how career paths are "built" rather than "followed", and an interesting example of how we as professionals are constantly developing and learning! #students #college #career #jobsearch #UNO #university #creatives #art
Beth had always wanted to work in film or television, and at one company in particular. She would see that dream come true, as today, Beth is a digital paint supervisor/associate visual effects supervisor at Industrial Light & Magic. But it didn’t happen overnight.💡 💫 Read about her story!
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Only humans will be allowed to be #voice actors in animated TV shows, per the terms of new three-year contracts negotiated by #SAG-AFTRA, the screen actors’ guild. As Variety notes, this actually goes a step further than the contracts that resolved last year’s months-long actors’ strike. Studios will still be allowed to create #AIgenerated voices that have been trained on past performances by real people, but those voices can’t resemble those of actual actors or their characters.
SAG-AFTRA Ratifies Contracts That Limit Use of AI Voices in Animated TV Shows
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Unmissable: Rohit Saraf’s Breakout Performance in ‘Mismatched’ Season 3 Will Leave You Breathless - Article Link - Rohit Saraf Shines in “Mismatched” Season 3: A Rollercoaster of Emotions The wait is over, and fans are ecstatic as “Mismatched” Season 3 hits the screens! Rohit Saraf’s portrayal of Rishi Singh Shekhawat is nothing short of captivating, exuding Main Character Energy that keeps viewers glued to their seats. The two-year wait has been worth […] #MovieReviews #WebSeriesAnalysis #StreamingInsights #FilmCritique #EntertainmentNews #StorytellingReviews #OTTContent #BingeWatchGuides #CinemaTrends #FilmAnalysis #StreamingPlatforms #CinematicExperience #MovieRecommendations #SeriesRecap #FilmLovers #StreamingUpdates #MovieInsights #OTTNews #CineCritique #BingeWorthyContent #FilmReviews #OTTUpdates #MovieTrends #StreamingRecommendations #CinematicWorld #FilmDiscussion #SeriesReviews #CinephileCommunity #EntertainmentGuides #MovieExploration
Unmissable: Rohit Saraf’s Breakout Performance in ‘Mismatched’ Season 3 Will Leave You Breathless
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