Shandon Fowler’s Post

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Product, marketing, and communication technology strategies for the AI age | HR Tech | Healthcare | Benefits | Finance

Is the tale of how the New York Yankees cap became a global fashion icon the greatest #influencermarketing story ever told? If you've traveled outside of the U.S. or just watched anything that didn't originate here—or, really, if you've been anywhere outside of the Bronx—you've seen the classic intertwined N and Y on baseball caps of all colors and styles. Turns out, we have Spike Lee to thank for it. I'll leave it at that so you watch the video but a few takeaways, since this is LinkedIn: Honor the icon, expand the canvas - The interlocking NY icon is 115 years old, and Lee knew not to mess with it. It was the background that he thought could be updated to appeal to more people. Gut over research - Data and market research are very important, but many of the greatest creative decisions are driven by an emotional connection. Good on Lee for making the call to George Steinbrenner and good on Steinbrenner for a very fast "yes." Loosen the brand reins - The stories in this video are fantastic, from the woman who identifies to the Yankees cap because of George Constanza to the strong hip-hop connection to the people who have no idea and just like the look. Rather than attempting to curate our brands to precision results, put fait in the unique qualities of the influencer—otherwise you're not doing influencer marketing, you're just signing up pitchmen and women. #brandmarketing #brandidentity

SC Featured: 'Beyond the Bronx' - ESPN Video

SC Featured: 'Beyond the Bronx' - ESPN Video

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