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I had the pleasure of attending the "Access to Antibiotics in the Nordic Region" conference, which took place on November 25-26, 2024, in the beautiful historical venue of Uppsala Castle, Sweden. Hosted by the Swedish Medical Products Agency and supported by the Nordic Council of Ministers, this event focused on tackling Antimicrobial Resistance (#AMR) from a #OneHealth perspective. It brought together experts from industry, academia, healthcare, and regulatory bodies to address shared challenges and foster collaboration across human, animal, and environmental health sectors. Nordic countries face unique challenges related to their small antibiotic markets, which can result in antibiotic withdrawals or delayed launches. I was pleased to witness a wide range of stakeholders recognizing this challenge as a top priority and acknowledging that improving access will have an immediate impact on patient lives. Their recognition of the need for change and their determination to address this issue were inspiring. As someone who faces this challenge directly in my business, I am eager to continue the dialogue and work collaboratively on finding solutions. Shionogi is fully committed to contributing to the development of sustainable solutions. Warren Cowell
Nordiska länder i samarbete för att stärka tillgången på antibiotika! Det var högt i tak och mycket energi när vi i veckan arrangerade konferensen ”Access to antibiotics in the Nordic region” på Uppsala slott. Vi vill rikta ett stort tack till alla deltagare från industrin, myndigheter, sjukvården och akademin som bidrog med engagemang, kreativa lösningar och idéer kring det fortsatta nordiska samarbetet. Ett särskilt tack till alla presentatörer för ert stora engagemang och för all kunskap ni delat om antibiotikaresistens, one health, läkemedelstillgång, smarta lösningar och mycket mer. Tillsammans tar vi nu ytterligare ett kliv för att fler människor och djur ska få rätt behandling i rätt tid. Konferensen arrangerades på uppdrag av Nordiska Ministerrådet.
CEO, World Health Innovation Summit
3moExcellent work.