Our DRY DOCKING Service One of the main services that keeps us busy is DRY DOCKING. This is where vessels up to 100m+ come into the floating dock for Ship Repairs; the docking is generally scheduled for every few years, depending on the vessel type. Since we launched this service, we have enjoyed welcoming a variety of vessels including tug boats (even double dockings to optimising time and cost efficiency for our clients), cruise ships, transhippers, offshore support vessels and more. Occasionally we get the call for emergencies, and it’s all hands on deck to get the ship back to work. What happens during a Dry Docking? It can be all or a combination of these… - Vessel docking - Vessel wash - Blasting and painting - Aluminium, steel and composite repairs - Shafts and rudders removal and surveys - Propeller and thruster repairs - Engines removals and changes - Bearings replacements - Shipside valves removal and pressure test - Anodes replacements - Keel coolers service and repairs - Electrical repairs and modifications - Hydraulics repairs - Winches repairs - Tank cleans What makes us unique? Our Dry Docking service is run with a client-centric Project Management model that delivers optimum value AND we have a custom-made encapsulation on the dock for optimum efficiency and quality. (head over to our instagram feed to view the lego style, branded shipping container creation - we think it’s quite the sight to behold!) #silverstarmarine #drydocking #floatingdock
Looks good Simon
Nice one Simon.
Operations Superintendent at Svitzer Australia
9moCarmen Stokes