At Simply Wall St, we aim to make you a better investor! Our platform provides many useful tools and information to help you research company stocks including: - Detailed company reports - Stock screener and discovery tools - Detailed analysis of your portfolio - A comprehensive dashboard keeping you up to date with companies on your watchlist, and much more! Get started for free by visiting us at, and see how we can help you to make better-informed decisions. Follow us on: - Facebook: - Twitter: #investing #finance #stocks
I checked your analysis of a couple of companies and I was impressed! My thought: why didn't I discover you before?? 😀 Very visual, easy to understand... and with human commentary. #Bravo
Hi - how do I get in touch with you directly? Wish to discuss an API.
Great product, very clear and practical to help making sound investment. Using the software for a few years now.👍
LINKEDIN: John W Webb - San Rafael, Bulacan - Philippines - requesting private contact with Al Bentley. Thank you !
Was removing the sign in modal from the console and got the We are hiring screen, very cool! Kudos to the dev that came up with the idea!
Fantastic website with tons of information on companies
I got premium membership ship but i can’t get nothing on my phone, i sende many e mails still they can’t help me . My membership almost finished and missed many investments opportunity. Please someone help me??
Great product!
Definitely a cool product! Filled with comprehensive fundamental analysis and stocks ideas, most importantly it is presented in a way easy to understand for people with no finance background or traders who focus on technical analysis like me. The subscription fee is very cheap, worth every single penny for sure. Well done Simply Wall St!!
Investment manager. Former Cambodian Minister of Finance.
5moAI considers "revolutionary" and a "game changer," this new metric for stock evaluation ("PPP") that rigorously integrates the P/E ratio, earnings growth rate, interest rate, and Beta into a practical one-figure metric.