Raising capital is a waste of time for startups. If you do not know investors who invest in your type of offering or know how to find them, you are wasting your time trying to raise capital. Buying a list of investors is a waste of money. Pitch events are a waste of time. Just because an investor invested in something does not mean he will invest in everything. You need investors specifically interested in your type of business. #raisingcapital #startups #founders #crowdfundingsuccess
Damon Pistulka √ Thank you for reading my post.
Brian Simmons Thank you for reading my post.
James Graham Thank you for reading my post.
Christopher Kehoe Thank you for reading my post.
Very true. I won't agree with a complete waste of time; however I must admit we have had a very difficult time raising capital, and even hired a firm to help us get pitches. It became very obvious there was limited effort put into finding the right investors that were specifically looking for sports technology. The capital world is full of connections to ultimately get to the correct invetment thesis, but it is extremely inefficient. Dr. Michael N Brette, J.D. Small Cap Equity Advisors I'd like to find a time to connect and discuss more.
You make a strong point! Targeted investor outreach is crucial for startup success. Have you found any effective strategies for connecting with the right investors? 🙂💚
Oh this is just so not reality. Very few firms are super strict with their thesis. Put an amazing founder with a brilliant idea in front of almost anyone and the thesis goes out the door. “Not a good time” “Outside our investment thesis” “Too early” “Not enough traction” Is a facade for: we don’t believe in you and or your idea.
Pitch events were pretty helpful to me, they helped me get my name out there and investors flocked to us following our pitch events which made raising easier.
Whether you are seeking customers for your product or investors for your company good advertising works. I was fortunate to learn what a good crowdfunding campaign takes from a marketing company that worked for a broker/dealer. Right now I have found only one marketing company working in crowdfunding that does professional campaigns that get companies funded. Send me a DM if you need an introduction.
Master the Art of brand development and accessing capital. Member American Bar Association advising public and private companies in oil & gas, Spirits, consumer products, fintech, mining, energy. 17 years on LinkedIn.
7mo2GlobalMarkets Thank you for reading my post.