I made an Illustration for an upcoming exhibition in Saudia Arabia on the theme of "HUMAN AND CAMEL".
~ In this poster, the illustrated camel symbolizes resilience and strength as it gracefully walks through the desert landscape. The camel wanders through the desert, passing by various buildings that symbolize its role in trade and transportation.
The connection between humans and camels is vividly depicted, highlighting the deep bond and reliance between the two.
The camel's journey through the diverse landscapes, marked by the presence of buildings, showcases its pivotal role in trade.
These structures represent the destinations to which the camel carries goods, linking distant places and facilitating commerce.
The poster beautifully captures the essence of how camels, with their endurance and strength, have been integral to trade routes, enabling the exchange of goods and cultures across vast territories.
Happy to see this vibrant cultural scene in Lebanon. Bravo to Ghada Shbeir and the Beirut Chants team.