After careful consideration by the Membership Committee and the Board of Directors, The Society of Entrepreneurs is pleased to announce the selection of four new members to our organization. Please join us in welcoming the following outstanding individuals: ✨ William B. Dunavant, III – CEO, President & Chairman of the Board, Dunavant Enterprises, Inc. ✨ Mark H. George – Chairman, IMC Logistics ✨ J. Allen Scoggin – President/CEO, Med Communications, Inc. ✨ Bill Stegbauer – President (Retired), Southern Towing Company These incredible leaders bring a wealth of experience and a strong commitment to our community. Congratulations, Bill, Mark, Allen and Bill!
More evidence of how critical transportation, distribution and logistics (TDL) is for the Midsouth! Communications are at the root of business and the regional economy - solutions, growth, and networks are built on these integral elements. These leaders provide examples built on the standards of excellence each individual and each enterprise exemplifies. Keep up the good work gentlemen, as you each foster the entrepreneurial spirit with others.
Thank you, Mark H George for your visionary leadership and commitment to the long term success of our city.
Congratulations! We are fortunate to have these visionary entrepreneurs and leaders in our community!
Congratulations to all! Well deserved!🎉🎉
Excellent. Congratulations
Congratulations well Done
Congratulations Mark H George !
Chief Marketing Officer at IMC Companies
1moProud of you Mark H George!