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Live Webinar: Discover the key takeaways from the 16th World Quality Report.

New futures in focus – Discover how Quality Engineering is being redefined

New futures in focus – Discover how Quality Engineering is being redefined

Ria Vasani New standards are going to evolve over the next few years. In some cases they will be driven by legal need e.g. things like the EU AI Act. Others will come from the constant need to do more with our resources and the time available which for many will be using AI. There are some interesting papers coming out from AI companies about how they should be regulated, and there will have to be a dialogue between users, consumers, AI companies, and governments before we get some standards defined. In the meantime we can all help by thinking about the ethical needs, about the climate needs, and privacy needs every time we consider testing a system or an application

Vasu V It starts with understanding who your users are - and users can be many different groups from IT, business, end users, or others, and what they need from the system and when. If you get that information together you can then create some simple and effective SLAs around stability and you can then work out when does the system need to be available, what levels of response, and are you using too much resources when you don't need to.

Sathish Rajamani

IT Leader, Business Coach, Adjunct Professor, Investor, Startup Mentor, Helping businesses scale up their Sales & Operations. LinkedIn Top Voice. Passion for Teaching and Coaching


Org structure plays a key role and it need to encourage and enable this


Dennis John I think they are the same standards as for any other testing. But there are some special challenges with the cloud that have to be considered - be it the challenge of performance testing across the hardware, the limitations of what you can and cannot do to SaaS systems with the performance and security testing. But all of them can be solved by the parties, led by QE&T, understanding the challenges and needs of each other and working together, It has to be together or it becomes a blame game and no one can afford that in this day and age.

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