Every child deserves to be heard. Let's stand up for their rights and create a better future. Together, we can make a difference.
Soul City Institute’s Post
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🌍 LET'S TEAM UP FOR GLOBAL GOOD 🌍 Join us in building better, more sustainable communities across the globe! We dive into important topics related to SDG 16.2, which focuses on ending abuse, exploitation, trafficking, and all forms of violence against children. Together, we can empower future generations and make a difference. 🔔 Don’t forget to subscribe, hit the like button, and share to spread the word about these important causes. Every action counts! 🌱 Let’s Team Up for a world of peace, equality, and justice. #SDG16 #GlobalGood #SustainableCommunities #EndViolence #LetsTeamUpForGlobalGood #Subscribe #Like #Share #MakeADifference #peace #justice #communitiesmatter You can add emojis like 🌍 (Earth), 🔔 (bell for subscriptions), 🌱 (growth), and the relevant hashtags for your content. Let me know if you need more! #ProtectOurChildren #endchildabuse #NoMoreViolence #childprotection #SafeFuture #EndExploitation #EmpowerChildren #SDG16 #voicesofchildren #TogetherForChildren #buildsafespaces #childrights #EndAbuseNow #StrengthInUnity #safeandloved #breakthesilence #protectandempower
Protect Their Light: Empowering Every Child for a Safe and Bright Tomorrow 🌟✨
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Protecting the rights, well-being and safety of all children is at the heart of what we do. Today, on National Child Day, we celebrate children’s rights and reflect on ways we can build and provide a nurturing environment for them to grow and thrive. Review this practice guideline to help you consider children’s rights and your image of the child. https://ow.ly/ZVzT50UaY7e
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🌍 A Thought-Provoking Message for Us All 🌍 In a powerful conversation, a young man shared a truth we often ignore. Our society—whether rich or poor—has become obsessed with "me" and "my family." We protect our children, surround them with the best of everything: the finest books, music, and comforts. But are we preparing them for the world outside? 🔒 We build walls around our homes, thinking it’s enough to shelter them. But one day, they’ll step into a society that is rotting, cruel, and heartless—a world driven by greed, competition, and division. Will they thrive? Will they feel safe? For decades, we've failed to create a society where our innocent children can walk freely, without fear. We focused so much on protecting them at home that we forgot the importance of building a better world for them. 💔 It’s time to break the cycle. It’s time to think beyond our four walls and work towards a future where every child can step into a society that is kind, fair, and just. This is the only way forward. Let's rise together, for the sake of our children and the generations to come. 💪 #BuildABetterSociety #ThinkBeyondMe #ForTheFuture #SafeSocietyForAll
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This week is National Child Protection Week & the theme is 'Every conversation matters'. "WHAT PART CAN YOU PLAY? We can all play a part by creating stronger, safer neighbourhoods. This can be achieved by talking to your neighbours, checking in with friends, being a good role model, supporting and being kind to parents rather than judging or being competitive, offering to assist where possible, and speaking up if you see something that is unsafe. It is important that we listen to, and value, what children have to say. Where possible, include their voices in decision-making and be advocates for their best interest. By speaking regularly with children about their personal safety and how they can protect themselves, as well as “tuning in” to their worries, children are more likely to trust us and feel comfortable to talk with us when something big is going on. Make your influence positive; start a conversation today with your colleagues and families about listening to and valuing the voice of children and young people." - Office of Safeguarding
Every child, in every community, needs a fair go
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Check out this week's “Social Justice in the Parsha” as I discuss Parshat Naso: On Enjoying the Pleasures of This World and the Blessing of Children.
Parshat Naso: On Enjoying the Pleasures of This World and the Blessing of Children
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Nurturing young minds with care, love, and wisdom. Let's celebrate the joy, innocence, and boundless potential of every child. Happy Children's Day! #HappyChildrensDay #ShapingYoungMinds #LoveAndLearning #FutureLeaders #ChildhoodMemories #HappyChildrensDay2024
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It's been 100 years since the birth of the Geneva Declaration of the Rights of the Child, authored by Save the Children International's founder Eglantyne Jebb. This visionary and bold stance has not only enabled the progress of young people everywhere; personally it gave me the language and framework to cultivate my passion and do my part in bettering our world. However, there is still a long way for us to go where children's lives are valued equally, EVERYWHERE. https://lnkd.in/dQatYiy4
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I understand the importance of days like today, World Children's Day. The intent is to educate, inform, and bring attention to issues regarding children, or whatever the focus of the special day is. Like I said, I understand that and appreciate the effort but more than celebrate those who do the work, I ask why is it needed?! Why do we consider a world where days like these are needed, normal? While we should always support those who work tirelessly advocating for those "less fortunate", we should all be working tirelessly against anything and anyone creating and supporting the problems in the first place. Every day should be World Children's Day. Every day should be humanity day. We shouldnt need special days for the basics.
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Having good mental health can provide freedom.
This Independence Day, we celebrate the freedom and opportunities every child should have. Have an enjoyable and safe holiday!
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Happy Fathers Day to all the Dads, Granddads, Stepdads, and others filling the father. role. What society, the community, the nation, and each family needs is more respect and dignity. Having studied 3 generations of dads in my family, and observed dozens of families of friends, family, and clients, my considered opinion is that the world would be a better place if Dads read to babies and little children every day. It's not just the reading. it's the bonding, the transmission of values, and the children knowing they are loved and safe. I know there are many different family structures, but unconditional love says "mummy and daddy love you, have always loved you and always will love you - even when that behaviour is unacceptable". And "mummy and daddy respect each other and treat each other with dignity. We want you to learn to respect other people and treat them with dignity, including police, 1st responders, the law, our community, and people of other ethnic backgrounds, religions, and genders. If this is repeated often enough as they grow, it might just stick with some of them and we will all be better off. Please don't hesitate to discuss michael@michaelpalmerconsulting.com.au or leave a comment.
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