SCAM WARNING- Tech outage
Please be aware of any scams or phishing attempts in the coming days, following the global IT outage affecting Crowdstrike. You should only get your technical advice from official Crowdstrike sources and if in doubt, double check.
These scams could present themselves as emails, text messages, social media messages or phone calls.
Double check any communication that looks like it could be from CrowdStrike or Microsoft, and offer to resolve any tech issues.
Please also check in on anyone you know who may be particularly vulnerable or susceptible to scams.
Things to look out for:
· The email address, social media account or phone number looks suspicious.
For example, phone numbers may be from outside Australia, email addresses may have a different suffix, or extra numbers or letters added or be from a non-official address.
You shouldn’t receive this support through social media.
· The message you receive or person you speak to is vague or doesn’t make sense. In written messages, keep an eye on significant typos.
· Emails or messages contain links to unknown websites. On email, hover over any links with your mouse prior to clicking on them. Don’t click on web addresses on text messages that you don't recognise or that look unofficial.
· The message instructs you to provide personal information including passwords or financial info.
For more information, or to report any scams, please visit
❗ UPDATED ALERT ❗ ASD’s ACSC understand a number of malicious websites and unofficial code are being released claiming to help entities recover from the widespread outages caused by the CrowdStrike technical incident.
ASD’s ACSC strongly encourages all consumers to source their technical information and updates from official CrowdStrike sources only.
Read the full alert 👉