Say hello to our latest group of new starters 👋 We can't wait to see what they achieve at SRG! Find out more about life at SRG on our website: Jessica Pasquini Jessica Hadfield Jaz Bartmeier Ollie Norman Ellis Charley Richard Clibbens Sarbjit Singh Sambhi William White Daniel Akpan Emily Olley Thalia Potter Connan Gibson Kara Griffiths Nigel Everett ACII Chartered Insurance Broker Paul Broadbent ACII #DifficultDoneWell
It’s only been a week but I already feel part of the SRG family.
Great to meet you all yesterday! A warm welcome to SRG! 🙂
Great to meet some of the team and fellow new joiners!
Welcome to you all, was lovely to see you yesterday, exciting times ahead 😊
Welcome one and all!!
Paul Cox was there too!
Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on
3wThank you for taking the time to organise this, I found it to be eye opening and Inspiring. Looking forward to seeing you all at the Christmas party 😊