Eat safe = eat sprouted flaxseed only 🌱 🌱 🌱 Unsprouted flax can be dangerous if you eat more than a table spoon per day. Avoid intoxication with cyanide. Remember 🔔, some flaxseed crops 🌾 may contain significant amounts of this poison ☠ unless the seeds undergo 100 hour dynamic sprouting process (proved in the lab) Mohammad Elkhalifeh, Michael Lyngkjær, NordGen, Anne Louise Nielsen, Asger Smidt-Jensen, Kristian Holst Laursen, Svend Secher Dam, Susanne Baden Jørgensen *the protein content is indicative and may vary from one specimen to another
numbers are convincing. Now the question is, who can eat 100 grams of flaxseed without special recipes?! Cyanide neutralization via sprouting is a valid conversion from inedible into edible, though consumers need to try new recipes in which sprouted flax is STAPLE food, not a decoration in the smoothie or a salad
I cannot eat this much sprouted flaxseed 🙈🌾
Unlike many other plant-based proteins the one in sprouted flax is coming in a package with a load of Omega 3 and at least 25 gr of dietary fiber per 100 gr. Austranaut's meal!