✅️ Another major achievement of Societe Generale - FORGE contributing to the transformation of finance. As part of the experimentations of the European Central Bank on digital payments, we participated to the delivery versus payment of securities with central bank digital currency. 🤝 These transactions were among the first to involve many first-rank financial players like Ofi Invest Asset Management Generali France Banque de France IZNES Société Générale and Societe Generale - FORGE. 🔗 Swift ensured the interoperability between the public blockchain Ethereum on which the bonds were issued and the Banque de France's private blockchain #DL3S on which the CBDC is issued. Congratulations to the teams ! Raphaël Marek Marianne Demarchi Christophe Lepitre David DUROUCHOUX
🔷 Ending the year with a major operation for Ofi Invest Asset Management, part of the European Central Bank experimentations on digital payments! Ofi Invest Asset Management worked with Generali France, IZNES, Société Générale, Societe Generale - FORGE and Swift, using the Banque de France’s DL3S solution to delivertransactions in CBDC. The settlement between the cash and the bond was performed via a Delivery-versus-Payment orchestrated by Swift, that made interoperability between Ethereum and DL3S possible, by transforming a blockchain event into a Swift message. For the first time, this operation combined the technology of several blockchains at the service of a fully tokenized asset and liability management system.