Indiana’s wetlands are not just beautiful – they are vital to our way of life. They provide habitat for wildlife, reduce flooding, improve water quality, and protect us from extreme weather. But greedy corporations and developers, with the support of some elected representatives, are putting our natural resources at risk for their own profit. 📊 The Reality: Many Hoosiers understand the importance of wetlands, yet these essential areas are under threat from corporate and political greed. Our natural lands are being polluted and abused, with profits going to a few while the costs are borne by all of us. It’s time to stand up and protect our environment for future generations. Let’s keep Indiana beautiful and resilient. Be an environmental protection voter this year and stand up for Indiana’s wetlands in November by registering to vote now. 🌍 #ProtectOurWetlands #EnvironmentFirst #HoosierPride
Stand Up Indiana’s Post
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Senator Lisa Murkowski highlights a critical human rights and environmental justice issue facing King Cove, Alaska. King Cove, a predominantly Aleut community, has sought a life-saving, 11-mile road connection to nearby Cold Bay’s all-weather airport for decades. This one-lane gravel road would provide reliable access during severe weather, addressing a dire public health need and reducing the risks of medical emergencies and preventable deaths. Despite bipartisan support, the project faces opposition due to its path through the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge. Senator Murkowski emphasizes that this is not just about transportation—it’s about climate justice, human rights, and correcting a long-standing environmental injustice. With climate impacts increasingly threatening Alaska Native communities, solutions like the King Cove road are essential for ensuring safety, resilience, and equity. 📖 Read more about this issue in her essay here: [] #BuildTheRoad #HumanRights #HumansOverBirds #AlaskaNativeHealth
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It’s more important than ever to advocate for wetland protections. One year ago, a U.S. Supreme Court decision removed federal protections from up to 90 million acres of wetlands, leaving many protections up to states. This could have detrimental impacts on our water, critical wildlife habitat, local economies, and flood-prone communities. Read more about the impact of this decision and what YOU can do here:
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❗️The Time to Act is Now❗️ We're making real strides toward building wildfire and water resilience in Sierra Nevada forests and watersheds, but State budget cuts severely threaten this progress. We need a stable funding source for local conservation and restoration projects! A recent Federal Climate Financial Report shows that over the last decade, wildfire suppression has cost the USFS and the Department of the Interior an average of more than $3 billion per year. Anticipated increased fire suppression costs due to climate change bring additional urgency to the need to invest in wildfire resilience projects and efforts to protect communities ahead of extreme climate events. We need State investments in restoration and land management programs that: 🌳Protect our health, environment, and way of life 🏔️Preserve irreplaceable landscapes ✨ Maintain California's climate leadership 🔥 Avoid catastrophic impacts due to megafires Please help us urge our State leaders to keep the momentum going! What can you do? Like and share this post or create your own and tag the following representatives: Gavin Newsom, Jesse Gabriel, Scott Wiener, Wade Crowfoot, California Natural Resources Agency , Wildlife Conservation Board #SierraNevadaAlliance #SierraNevada #SavetheSierra #ProtectTheHCF #30x30CA #ClimateBondNow #ProtectCalifornia #PowerInNature #FundConservationNow
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The #Conservation and #Restoration of #Wetlands is a cost-effective solution in the fight against #Wildfires. A recent analysis by Elizabeth Daigle and Bianca Cecato explored how Canadian decision makers can protect against fires, increase our resilience, and reduce our #Emissions by: 1) Prioritizing the conservation of wetlands 2) Scaling investments in wetland restoration 3) Integrating community resilience in #LandUse decision-making Read the full analysis here to learn more (LINK): #NatureBasedSolutions #WildfireMitigation
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🌴 “Florida’s Fight for the Everglades: Let’s Take the Reins!” 🌊 Big news, Florida! Gov. Ron DeSantis is making waves by asking the federal government to hand over authority (and funds 💰) for Everglades restoration projects. The goal? Speeding up work on this vital ecosystem to keep Florida’s waterways thriving. 🐊🌱 With $805M proposed for Everglades restoration in the 2025-2026 budget, there’s a push to clean up areas like the Kissimmee River before pollutants flow into Lake Okeechobee—preventing harmful discharges to places like the St. Lucie and Caloosahatchee Rivers. 🌎🚤 But not everyone’s convinced. Advocacy groups are questioning if enough is being done to strengthen environmental protections. Should Florida lead the charge? Or does more need to happen before we can celebrate? 👀 One thing’s for sure: protecting our natural treasures is a team effort. 💪 Let’s hear your thoughts—how do you feel about the state stepping up to lead Everglades restoration? Drop your comments below and let’s keep the convo going. Florida’s future depends on it! 🐦💚 #EvergladesRestoration #FloridaEcosystem #CleanWaterMatters #DeSantisUpdates #CasaOttRealty #FloridaRealEstate #NaturePreservation #BocaToBoyntonBuzz
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Colorado urgently needs to step up to safeguard wetlands and streams left vulnerable by the Supreme Court's decision last year. Of Colorado's wetlands protection bills, only HB 1379 gets the job done! Read more in this blog. #ProtectCOWaters #Protectourwaters #Water #Colorado #CleanWaterAct #protectcleanwater
Of Colorado's Wetlands Protection Bills, Only HB 1379 Gets the Job Done
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Recent reports highlight the critical state of Tennessee's beloved Duck River, once celebrated as one of the most biodiverse waterways in North America. Named the third-most endangered river in the U.S., the Duck River faces unprecedented threats due to unsustainable water use and rampant development along its banks. Home to a staggering array of aquatic life, including 22 aquatic snail, 56 mussel, and 151 fish species, the Duck River is not just a natural wonder—it's woven into the fabric of our daily lives. Yet, as water withdrawals increase to meet the needs of expanding communities and industries, the delicate balance of this ecosystem is at risk. With permits for increased water withdrawals looming, we must unite to ensure the Duck River remains a thriving habitat for generations to come.🌍
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Five environmental issues that you need to know about in Tennessee: 1. Protecting one of Tennessee’s rarest species. The Berry Cave salamander is one of Tennessee’s most rare and unique species, found in just a handful of isolated caves in East Tennessee. We’ve filed a lawsuit to ensure this unique creature is protected: 2. We’re fighting the 32-mile Cumberland Pipeline. We’re challenging a recent decision by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission that cleared the path for this dangerous and unnecessary methane gas pipeline that will harm the climate, local waterways, and nearby communities: 3. Utilities propose taking 19 million more gallons of water from the Duck River. SELC is taking action to stop this reckless plan that threatens the health of the river, puts its world-class wildlife at risk, and landed the Duck River on a list of ‘most endangered’ rivers in the U.S.: 4. Injustice continues in Memphis with TVA Allen proposal. Predominantly black communities in South Memphis are facing threats of a new methane gas plant to be built right in their backyard. We’re standing alongside local partners and asking the Biden Administration to help put a stop to this plan: 5. Tennessee creates first-ever ‘Office of Outdoor Recreation’ The agenda for the office includes developing new water trails, which are recreational routes across rivers, creeks and lakes for activities like kayaking and canoeing: #Conservation #Wildlife #Tennessee #EnvironmentalJustice #EnvironmentalPolicy
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🌴 “Florida’s Fight for the Everglades: Let’s Take the Reins!” 🌊 Big news, Florida! Gov. Ron DeSantis is making waves by asking the federal government to hand over authority (and funds 💰) for Everglades restoration projects. The goal? Speeding up work on this vital ecosystem to keep Florida’s waterways thriving. 🐊🌱 With $805M proposed for Everglades restoration in the 2025-2026 budget, there’s a push to clean up areas like the Kissimmee River before pollutants flow into Lake Okeechobee—preventing harmful discharges to places like the St. Lucie and Caloosahatchee Rivers. 🌎🚤 But not everyone’s convinced. Advocacy groups are questioning if enough is being done to strengthen environmental protections. Should Florida lead the charge? Or does more need to happen before we can celebrate? 👀 One thing’s for sure: protecting our natural treasures is a team effort. 💪 Let’s hear your thoughts—how do you feel about the state stepping up to lead Everglades restoration? Drop your comments below and let’s keep the convo going. Florida’s future depends on it! 🐦💚 #EvergladesRestoration #FloridaEcosystem #CleanWaterMatters #DeSantisUpdates #CasaOttRealty #FloridaRealEstate #NaturePreservation #BocaToBoyntonBuzz
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Have you had your property damaged or been cut off from essential resources due to flooding caused by poor infrastructure like culverts in Virginia? Have you experienced serious wildlife-vehicle conflicts on Virginia roads, such major incidents caused by hitting or avoiding wild animals? SHARE YOUR STORY WITH US 📣 Your testimonial could be used in advocacy and education efforts, including opportunities to speak directly with lawmakers. Help us push for stronger wildlife passage and connectivity legislation. State agencies aren’t building infrastructure that benefits both wildlife movement, from bears crossing roads to endangered fish trying to spawn upstream, and flood resilience, leading to waste of your tax dollars. Why not build infrastructure that benefits ecosystems and communities?! The answer is: state agencies do not have the resources nor are they required by law to consider wildlife passage. Learn more and fill out our form:
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