Thank you all that came to our Roundtable on Rental Housing yesterday. It seems that for the first time speakers and participants from all sides (Ministry of Regional Development, M of Finance, M of Social Affairs, Tenants' Union, developers, owners of rental housing, Czech banking association) agreed on one key item: to address the housing affordability issue, we need to build more. And to build more we need stable regulatory environment, efficient planning, more institutional capital, some incentives. There are indeed recent initiatives (SFPI affordable housing program) and new legislation in the pipeline (un-block pension funds' investment into housing) that go in the right direction. See you next autumn with hopefully a number of these inititiaves being progressed. For our Rental Housing Association position paper, please see on this link:
Dnešní Kulatý stůl bydlení 2024 v Domě RADOST přinesl spoustu výzev, zajímavých statistik, inspirativních myšlenek i nových spojenectví. A naše asociace představila Strategii nájemního bydlení 2025+.Cestu si za námi našlo mnoho významných hostů. Díky za čas všech, kteří přišli.