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Exciting news in The Wall Street Journal today! Amrith Ramkumar covers our latest funding announcement, and why #efuels are seen as the most practical long-term fuel source for sustainable aviation: "This actually has a shot at eventually replacing fossil fuels," said Zachary Bogue co-managing partner at the venture-capital firm DCVC. “Investors are shifting their bets in clean fuels to companies that use chemistry to turn carbon dioxide, water and renewable electricity into energy. Known as e-Fuels, synthetic fuels or power to liquids technologies, they offer the tantalizing possibility of producing limitless amounts if given enough cheap renewable power." #CarbonTransformation #IndustrialPhotosynthesis #efuels #eSAF #echemicals #CO2toProduct #sustainableaviationfuel #sustainableaviation #electrochemistry #CO2e #CO2RR #CDR #supplychaintransformation #electrochemical #PowertoLiquid #PowertoX #FuelForTheLongHaul #FOAK #electrochemicalproduction #science #engineering #deeptech #climate #scope1 #scope3 #funding #unicorn #WSJ #cleanfuels #cleantech #energytransition
Thrilled to be your partners - and now, investors!
We're excited to continue backing Nicholas, Etosha and Kendra as they accelerate Twelve to manufacture scalable supplies sustainable jet fuel to cut emissions from flying. Congratulations on a great financing round to help propel Twelve to the next level!
Great news! Congrats, this should help fund a ton of innovation!!
Yes!!!!! Let’s gooooo! So excited for you all
Congratulations on the recognition. Many exciting developments
We're incredibly proud and excited to be a part of Twelve and look forward to continue supporting your mission!