The opinion piece in the German FAZ by Hendrik Kafsack just reminded me of the amazing journey #EU #bureaucracy reduction has taken since I arrived in Brussels. I think it was 2007 when the Commission kicked off the fight against over-regulation with a High Level Group. It subsequently utilized multiple bodies, people and programmes to reduce the cost of bureaucratic burden: Anti-Bureaucracy advisor Edmund Stoiber, a Regulatory Scrutiny Board, Better Regulation rules, Impact Assessments, the REFIT programme.... and now, 17 years later? How do you judge the impact of all these efforts?
Stefan Borst’s Post
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The NO SLAPP Alliance for the protection of journalistic work in Germany Blueprint for Free Speech, Reporters Without Borders (RSF), the German Federation of Journalists, the German Journalists Union in ver.di, FragenStaat and Action against Labor Injustice are offering information, advice and training on Strategic Litigation Against Public Participation (SLAAP) in Germany. SLAPP lawsuits are used by corporations, governments and other powerful actors to silence critical voices by subjecting them to costly and burdensome litigation. SLAPPs are on the rise throughout Europe and pose a threat to independent reporting in particular. The No SLAPP contact point is funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media and can be reached via At those interested can find more about SLAPPs, access training materials, news updates and information on events. Phillip Wissing can be contacted as the Co-ordinator of the NO SLAPP Alliance: See further: #PressFreedom #NoSLAAP
NO SLAPP Anlaufstelle
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🕵♀️ A recent investigation by Investigate Europe exposed the ‘cold cases’ of Europe - where the European Commission has failed to defend the rule of law. This lack of action not only undermines democracy and the rule of law, but it also costs the EU economy ~€55 billion each year, according to the Commission’s own figures! 💰 💰 💰 EU governments shape and agree to laws, but when they fail to implement them the EU Commission must be prepared to defend and enforce them 🧐 Our recommendations 👇 ⚖️ Depoliticise infringements - compliance with the law is not a negotiation 🔦 Transparency - the public should not be kept in the dark about their governments breaching the laws that are designed to protect them ⏰ Speed - the Commission must stick to its own deadlines 👥 People power: More staff are needed to ensure timely enforcement with better oversight Hear from multiple experts, including our own Laura Hildt, in this ARTE programme covering the investigation #EULaw #Enforcement
Verstöße gegen Klima- und Umweltrecht: Europas Cold Cases | ARTE Hintergrund
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On the 🇨🇭 Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA love of truth, second part Between 🇪🇺 and 🇨🇭, a „two pillar“ system will be established; 🇨🇭 will monitor itself. 👉 #Fake. The European Commission will monitor Switzerland. Under the „two pillar“ system, the CJEU will interpret 🇪🇺 EU law whereas the 🇨🇭Supreme Court will interpret 🇨🇭law. 👉 Fake. The CJEU will interpret bilateral law and thus become Switzerland’s #extraterritorial court of last instance. The European Commission will have the right to challenge judgments of the 🇨🇭Supreme Court before the CJEU. The 🇨🇭Supreme Court will thus become a #secondclass court in its own country. And yet, the 🇨🇭Federal Council is determined to sign this #unequaltreaty. Conclusion: In an 11-year #fakenews campaign, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs #FDFA has succeeded in preparing the ground for the signing of a #semicolonial treaty. But it ain’t over until the fat lady sings.
Bern will Schweiz mit Lügengebäude zur EU-Semikolonie machen
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After a chaotic approach to the #CSDDD adoption at the EU level caused by the German government, the CDU/CSU now argued for an immediate repeal of the German Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chains (LkSG). The CDU/CSU suggested that the upcoming EU Directive (CSDDD) would surpass LkSG requirements, making the national regulation redundant. They sought a direct second reading of their proposal, bypassing committee deliberations. However, the motion was rejected, with 401 votes against and only 250 in favor, sending the proposal back to the lead Committee on Labor and Social Affairs for further consideration. Here are three reasons why repealing the LkSG doesn’t make sense at all: 🤝 Complementary Regulations: The CSDDD complements, not conflicts with, the LkSG. Both are based on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. 📶 Progress towards Human Rights: Pausing the LkSG would not simplify compliance but hinder progress towards human rights responsibilities. Implementing LkSG actually helps companies prepare for the CSDDD. 🚀 Ongoing Efforts by Companies: Many companies have already taken significant steps to implement due diligence requirements. They have hired personnel and initiated further implementation measures. Repealing the LkSG would force them to halt their efforts for two years, losing a potential competitive edge over European counterparts. Interrupting these positive processes would be counterproductive for companies as well as for people along their value chains. For more details, check out the Bundestag announcement or this post in German by Holger Hembach #BusinessAndHumanRights #SupplyChain #CorporateResponsibility #HumanRights #Sustainability CORE - The Human Side of Business Lisa Szeponik, Serra Cremer, Stephanie Borowiec, Cecilia Barral Diego,
Deutscher Bundestag - Namentliche Abstimmungen
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Brazil on the upswing? What about domestic policy? After more than a year in office, the Lula da Silva government has made significant democratic, economic and political changes and initiated important foreign policy activities. But what about the domestic political situation? Read more in the article: #economy #politics #brazil #recovery #domesticpolicy #foreignpolicy
Brasilien im Aufschwung?
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EuZ Volume 4/2024: Prof. Dr. Dorian Jano analyses current challenges surrounding the criteria for accession to the EU, tracing the historical trajectory from pre- to post-Copenhagen phase. He scrutinizes the emergence and formalization of democratic principles in EU accession and the various ongoing adjustments made to adapt to the changing circumstances, highlighting the multistep accession procedures and the introduction of flexibility, reversibility, and uncertainty into the process. The article underscores the need for a return to the core normative accession criteria on democracy and the rule of law principles as a way to restore credibility and consistency in the EU accession process. #EU #EuZ #EIZ #openaccess Europa Institut an der Universität Zürich (EIZ)
EuZ – Zeitschrift für Europarecht – Ausgabe 04 / 2024
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😯 An Austrian court just held that the Representative Actions Directive was directly applicable and admitted a representative action, despite the directive not yet having been transposed in Austria. 📖 Just like Belgium, Austria has missed the deadline to transpose the Representative Actions Directive. However, the Austrian consumer rights organisation VSV brought an action on that basis anyway, which the court in Klagenfurt decided to admit (but then appears to have dismissed on the merits). ❓ It is settled CJEU case law that when an EU Member State has not transposed a directive in time, that directive may have direct effect against the state, but not against other private individuals. Klagenfurt Energie GmbH, the defendant in this matter, is a public entity (fully owned by the Landeshauptstadt Klagenfurt am Wörthersee) and so is subject to that direct effect. ⏭ While an interesting application of the principle of direct effect, this decision should likely not concern privately-held companies, as the scope appears to be limited to the application of the Representative Actions Directive against public entities. #representativeactions #collectiveredress #classactions #EUlaw
News: LG Klagenfurt lässt Verbandsklage des VSV zu - Verbraucherschutzverein
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Hear from Yogesh Hirdaramani, Head of Content Production at GovInsider on how creative bureaucracy can help build and sustain a strong democracy!
🤝 One of the core ideas at this year’s Creative Bureaucracy Festival was: “Strong democracies need strong bureaucracies.” But what does that truly mean? To explore this, we turned to 📹 5 remarkable personalities and asked: Do you agree? And how can creative bureaucracy help build and sustain a strong democracy? 💬 Watch their statements and let us know what you think! English statements: 🎤 Namatai K., Director, WeLead (Zimbabwe) 🎤 Yogesh Hirdaramani, Head of Content Production, GovInsider (Singapore) Deutsche Statements: 🎤 Dr. Marco Buschmann, Bundesminister der Justiz, Bundesministerium der Justiz (Deutschland) 🎤 Martina Klement, Chief Digital Officer, Senatskanzlei Berlin (Deutschland) 🎤 Sarah Ryglewski, Staatsministerin, Bundeskanzleramt (Deutschland) #CBF24 #CreativeBureaucracyFestival #democracy #bureaucracy #government #bürokratie
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Finally, there is the idea of money for the rule of law, which the EU is testing with its Conditionality Regulation. The General Court’s Medel decision specifically addresses funding for Poland from the EU’s largest special fund. The decision largely flew under the radar although it offers much of interest: not only the eternal question of individual legal protection before EU courts, but – perhaps more interestingly – the question of how to effectively defend EU values.
Umkämpfte Meilensteine
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In a landmark ruling on Friday, #Taiwan ’s Constitutional Court ruled that although the #deathpenalty is not contrary to the constitution, it should only be used for the most serious crimes and with the utmost caution. The twelve judges thus opted for a middle way between the abolition of capital punishment and the current situation. For the activists fighting for the abolition of the death penalty, the decision of the supreme court is a defeat. They fear that they are still a long way from achieving their goal, as they will now be denied access to the courts for some time to come. They cannot hope for the legislators: In surveys, more than 80 percent of Taiwanese say they are in favor of the death penalty. Over the past 37 years, Taiwan has developed into one of the most liberal democracies in East Asia. However, martial law was in force on the island until 1987. In the decades of the so-called white terror, when the KMT under general Chiang Kai-shek and then his son Chiang Ching-kuo ruled the country autocratically, several thousand people were executed for political offenses. The supposedly “free China”, which used this term to distance itself from the communist mainland, was in fact a brutal dictatorship. My full article in German:
Todesstrafe: Taiwan schränkt Anwendung ein
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Corporate Advisor
1moI think Lund University - if I am not mistaken- did a study in 2021 or 2022 on the exponential increase of the number of delegated acts . It didn't look good...