Taking a look back…
…matchmaking – that new facet for the internationalisation of vocational education and training?
The Skilled Migration Act (#Fachkräfteeinwanderungsgesetz) opens a range of options for (future) skilled workers to come to Germany for working and qualification. However, opportunities and challenges currently go hand in hand, and those involved in vocational education and training are looking for their role in this jungle and for ways through it.
On Monday 18th November, the networking platform iMOVE initiated by the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) organised a kick-off meeting for sharing best practices and create networks to connect actors of labour market and VET in order to ease access for work migrants to German labour market and qualification system.
💪 Around thirty persons from companies, industry associations and education providers joined the event aiming to share impressions and experiences from different states of play.
🎓 Prof. Dr. Tuan Nguyen from the University of the Federal Employment Agency gave insights in reasons for the huge capacity gap in Germany and argued that Germany needs a reflection on norms as well as turn towards the readiness to change. He concluded with the picture of a famous digital puzzle game (those raised in the 80ies and 90ies of the last century might remember 😉) that employers might not find a skilled person for each open position, but maybe exactly the right person for a particular position, like a building block.
💡 Industry representatives introduced their recruiting practices in third countries, sketching procedures and lessons learned or the struggles they are dealing with and vocational education providers presented impressions from their VET cooperation with different countries.
My take aways:
👉 Most actors face similar challenges, but relevant in different ways. While, e.g., language is a substantial aspect in health and technology, the logistic sector rather struggles with financial issues and complicated legal issues to qualify truck drivers.
👉 All actors agree that a sustainable migration process needs professional guidance and personal support, not only to handle the bureaucratic hurdles, but also to find their way into local communities and social life.
👉 Large companies seem to have strategies and resources to create cross-border recruiting and vocational training structures, while small and medium sized enterprises face more difficulties.
👀 It remains to be seen how companies and education providers will work together in the future to master the new tasks. Future key issues might be exchange with chambers towards common structures, opportunities for financial support, solutions for SME and, most important, a mapping of all that is possible.
A cornerstone has been laid and the willingness to develop is clearly recognisable.
Thanks to iMOVE for the organisation, we're looking forward to fruitful exchange in the future! 🙏
iMOVE-Special: Matchmaking - Fachkräftegewinnung für Deutschland fördern
📅 Für den 18. November 2024 laden wir Wirtschaftsverbände und die deutsche Bildungswirtschaft zu einem Austausch ein.
Dadurch sollen Aus- und Weiterbildungsanbieter die Herausforderungen besser verstehen, vor denen die deutsche Wirtschaft bei der Rekrutierung ausländischer Fachkräfte steht.
Deutsche Bildungsanbieter, die schon Erfahrungen mit Brückenkursen, Anerkennungsqualifizierungen und der Vermittlung von Fachkräften und Auszubildenden aus dem Ausland haben, sollen der Wirtschaft ihre Angebote vorstellen.
Schließlich geht es auch um die Klärung, welche Beiträge Bildungswirtschaft und Verbände bisher schon leisten und welche weiteren Beiträge möglich wären.
Anhand der Ergebnisse dieses Austauschs entwickeln wir Maßnahmen, die das Matchmaking zwischen offenen Stellen und Ausbildungsplätzen in Deutschland und Angeboten von international tätigen und vielfach gut vernetzten deutschen Aus- und Weiterbildungsanbietern verbessert.
❕ Anmeldeschluss: 8. November 2024
Folgen Sie dem Link für weitere Informationen und zur Anmeldung:
👉 https://lnkd.in/eBYagzrN
#iMOVE #TrainingMadeInGermany #Fachkräfte #Fachkräftemangel #Fachkräftegewinnung #VocationalTraining #Ausbildung #Weiterbildung