Stay focused! 🎯 Sometimes in the midst of business operations, things pop up out of the blue and you need to make a decision. When there are decisions competing for attention, you need to focus and prioritize on what you need to complete the task or mission. This video gives an excellent example of what we need to do to focus on task completion. What say you? Would you have made a different choice in the video? I am Stephen Tan, and I write about #leadership, #management and #fundraising. 👀 my latest posts here: 🙋 Follow me on LinkedIn: #entrepreneurship | #business | #strategy | #people | #work | #operations | #mindfulness | #riskmanagement | #humour #LBFAlumni | #skyhightower
Good 🎥 of Lisbon !
Stephen Tan for the Win with a video that shows the worse of us. That is focus misplaced.
People running with you may have different goals.
This is hilarious! 😅🤣 Actually, the guy running after the cart is not the cart’s owner. His focus is not related to the cart, but how he can serve himself from it. 😬 The owner didn’t assess his operations, the risks it takes to park in a hill, and no precautions where taken to avoid this from happening. The owner gave up fast. Hopefully, he has insurance. 🤣 At the end the running guy is satisfied until he gets hungry for more again, while the owner will probably be stucked with the purchase of a new cart. But that’s on him. So, operationally, this sucks. And at least we have a satisfied customer. There’s that. 😂😂
That's Super Focused...
Having clearly defined goals can greatly improve your focus and motivation. It's easier to stay focused and motivated when you know what you are working towards, rather than feeling lost or unsure of your direction.
Sometimes you think people have the same goals and direction as you but it’s not always the case. LOL
Like your earlier share on perfecting the same somersaulting move with intense focus on narrow perfection - only that trading ketchup for the whole hot dog cart is even more ludicrous a choice of profit. 🙂
Rather than "focus", this video illustrates the worst aspects of some corporate cultures: disproportionate egoism and disregard for others.
🎯 Achieve health goals faster, easier, safer | Live life by design | Digitizing DNA wellness | CEO of ConnectingDNA | Bio-hacker
11moStephen Tan, this video also highlights the point that sometimes we just need to run faster man. 😂