Care4BrittleBones Foundation’s Post

"Brittle but not broken" I met a guy named Sai With a beautiful contagious smile Born in Siliguri to be a dancer But his bones were made of glass He broke his legs and his dreams And all turned dark in isolation and despair Not been understood By the community and neighbourhood But the light came through the suffering By the meaning added to others around him Bringing happiness and a contagious smile Because it´s all a matter of acceptance Resilience is to fall and get up again Brittle but not broken From his wheelchair adding colour to the world With one finger on the mouse He teaches us never to compare to others Because we are our unique self Never to feel too small to dream big And make those dreams come true And to practice gratitude Because the smile you give Comes back to you Check the whole video with Sai Kaustuv Dashgupta #OsteogenesisImperfecta; #Resilience

Acceptance and an Open Mind can break all barriers by Dr. Sai Kaustuv

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