Last Thursday was a big success! ✨ At Stories Sarphatistraat, Maarten van Huijstee, founder of Spinoza, gave an inspiring masterclass about Psychedelics, Meditation and Breathwork. 🙏🏻 It was an afternoon filled with a lot of information and a fun Q&A. 🤍 A big thankyou to all the members who attended this special workshop!🙌🏼 Charlotte van Harreveld Esther Beeking Elisa Viaud Jill Elisah Besuijen Mandy van Zanten Guido Dukker rani van der vleuten Robin Parr Talisa Leijen Willa McCaffrey-Noviss Sana Leatemia Thibaud Bruna Maxime ten Haaf Lisa Thompson Julie Vogler Kelly Ziemer At Stories, we believe in the power of connection. That's why we host these workshops, designed to bring together our members and learn some new techniques or simply gather information. ✨ Want to see how Stories can benefit your practice? 👉🏼Check out out website: #workshop #spinoza #psychedelicsmeditationadnbreathwork #community #stories #storiesspace #coworking #amsterdam #haarlem #utrecht
This was amazing!
Founder @ Your Career Space | Creator of Career Story Nights | Career Story Designer & Mentor | Creative Thinker & Strategist | Ex Nike & Burberry
2wThank you for organising the masterclass, super interesting ✨