How can you get the right allies? Look beyond the obvious.
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Casting a Wider Net: Engaging External Mentors In my latest #newsletter, I talk about The Power of Allies. In addition to allies within your organization, it’s important to reach out within your industry. Beyond the obvious connections, consider making a wish list of allies outside your organization. Look for people whose accomplishments and working styles resonate with you and are a year or two farther down the road. Platforms like LinkedIn are invaluable for identifying and reaching out to these contacts. Try to connect via someone they know. Then send a concise introductory message, asking for a 15-minute discussion focused on a specific topic. · One Question. · 15 Minutes. Then ask them if you can check in a couple of months later to tell them how you used their advice. Set a date, if possible. Here’s the link to the main newsletter:
Strategic Speaking for Results Elizabeth Bachman, CPS Absolutely! Diving beyond your immediate circle to connect with industry peers just a few steps ahead can offer fresh perspectives and real-time advice. Using LinkedIn to strategically reach out and setting up brief, focused conversations is something I do on a regular basis. It broadens my network and makes sure we're continuously learning from those who've recently tackled similar challenges.
15 minute conversations can be so powerful, and much easier to schedule than 30-60 minute meetings.
Allies in and out of your circle and industry are invaluable! It's all about cultivating and keeping relationships!
This is great advice Elizabeth Bachman, CPS! One question. 15 minutes. I'm curious about finding allies, though. Should you look for people who are in adjacent industries to yours? Or is it better to look in industries that have nothing to do with yours?
Elizabeth Bachman, CPS love your approach here as it's simple to follow and should work in reaching out to new connections.
Very practical steps Elizabeth Bachman, CPS. Keep your conversations short and focused, keep your ask clear the top tip IMHO, ask if you can check back with them. Brilliant!
Great way to connect Elizabeth Bachman, CPS Who are your best allies? I'll introduce you to some of my connections if you'd like.
Makes total sense to consider the allies and to check in with them. Very insightful Strategic Speaking for Results Elizabeth Bachman, CPS
Intentionality in Networking! This is great advice, Elizabeth - and a nice bite sized task you can easily do a few times a week to be continuously cultivating new relationships.
Love the allies concept, I plan to steal it. 😀 😁 (HR says I have to use an emoji when joking.) I preach and teach the powers of relationships in biz dev, and love how you articulated that.