Proud to support the Red Cross! 🚑 The new command vehicle of the Red Cross-Limburg was officially presented last week. This van will be used in Limburg during disasters and large-scale events. It is with great pleasure that we sponsored this vehicle, which was equipped with fantastic communication and radio equipment. #SocialResponsibility #Rodekruis
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Further thoughts on the "Jubitz scenario": a hypothetical landing point and escape route for the hijacker of Northwest Flight 305 on November 24, 1971. #DBCooper #FBI #JubitzTruckStop
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The success of any naval operation lies in good and effective communication, leveraging each other’s advantages and enabling the unit commanders to fulfill their important mission. The event in this article demonstrates EUNAVFOR ASPIDES' capability and dedication to protect the merchant vessels in the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden and Gulf region. EUNAVFOR ASPIDES with a defensive mandate acts as a credible EU maritime security provider, with the aim to safeguard freedom of navigation in the Area of Operation and contribute to the restoration of safe passage of merchant vessels.
Het Griekse marineschip HS Psara 🇬🇷 heeft afgelopen nacht een drone-aanval van de Houthi’s afgewend. Dit gebeurde tijdens het begeleiden en beschermen van een vrachtschip door de Golf van Aden in het kader van de EU-operatie Aspides. Bij de aanval haalde de Griekse bemanning 2 drones neer. Zr.Ms. Karel Doorman waarschuwde de Griekse collega’s voor de naderende dreiging. Ook was het schip paraat eventueel medische ondersteuning te leveren. Er zijn bij de aanval geen gewonden gevallen. Ook was er geen materiële schade. De aanval met 4 drones speelde zich af voor de Somalische kust. Bij de verdediging gebruikte de bemanning van HS Psara diverse wapensystemen en het kanon. Vervolgens nam de dreiging af en kon het vrachtschip zijn reis veilig voortzetten. Aan boord van het Griekse marineschip bevonden zich tijdens de aanval ook 3 Nederlandse stafleden, onder wie commandeur George Pastoor die toevallig op werkbezoek was. “Deze aanval laat zien dat het nog altijd zeer onveilig is voor de scheepvaart in deze regio. Met de inzet van de eenheden van EU-landen zijn we in staat om scheepvaart te beschermen en vrije doorvaart te handhaven.” Pastoor voert samen met zijn internationale staf het tactisch commando over de EU-operatie Aspides vanaf Zr.Ms. Karel Doorman. Lees meer via 👉
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Are you heading to Seatrade Cruide Med in Malaga this week? Let's grab a coffee and discuss Iridium GMDSS & Certus Companion for your cruise fleet. Learn how Iridium's innovative safety suite can enhance your vessel's global safety, including polar operations. #iridium #gmdss #certus
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#Leonardo announced today that it has completed the sale of its Underwater Armaments & Systems (#UAS) business line to FINCANTIERI. Under the binding agreement signed on May 9, 2024, at the time of closing, Leonardo received a payment of €287 million, based on the fixed Enterprise Value component of €300 million. The variable component, up to a maximum of €115 million, along with standard price adjustments, will be determined following the approval of UAS's final 2024 financial results. The total maximum Enterprise Value is €415 million. #LDO_PR #LDO_IR
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Malaysia reignites hope as it resumes the search for MH370 with Ocean Infinity, on a promising new lead in the Indian Ocean. Authorities finalize plans, vowing to solve one of aviation's greatest mysteries. #MH370 #Malaysia #OceanInfinity
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"No Find, No Fee": The Last Hunt for MH370's Lost Secrets In a significant development that could finally unlock one of aviation's most perplexing mysteries, Malaysia has approved a new search for Flight MH370 – the passenger jet that vanished without a trace a decade ago with 239 souls on board. Under a bold "no find, no fee" agreement, US-based Ocean Infinity will lead a high-tech exploration of a 15,000 sq km area in the southern Indian Ocean. The company will only receive the $70 million payment if they succeed where others have failed. This new search is backed by what Malaysian authorities describe as "credible" new data, offering fresh hope to hundreds of families who have lived in limbo for ten years. The mystery of MH370 has spawned countless theories, from technical failures to more controversial explanations. A 2018 investigation suggested deliberate manipulation of the plane's controls but couldn't definitively explain the "why" or "who" behind the tragedy. What do you think really happened to Flight MH370 ? Share your thoughts below. 🤔 #mistery #accident #search #aviation
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The next gen with Rotax 916is is ready to order
Armenian Selina Aircrafts, JSC is ready to enter into contracts for the construction of the ACK-62 aircraft around the world. Representatives in China and the USA will help organize a secure transaction.
The modern 6-seater seaplane from Selina Aircraft
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