You can't really say you understand China until you truly understand what George Yeo is trying to explain here. China's peaceful reRising is crucial to providing a positive impetus our World needs desperately to counter an #Apartheid Regime the #UglyAmerican #supremacist #klan and their like-minded ones are seeking to sustain. China could not counter the Global #Apartheid Regime alone. Enough is Enough! Those immoral American led West corrupt politicians many sponsored by US insidious #militaryindustrialcomplex and foreign agencies (you can guess them easily) are the source of geopolitical tensions today. The China's vision of a new progressive world order is well aligned with UNSDGs: "Peace & Co-Prosperity" #ClimateChange #Humanity #Justice #Peace #Humanrights are color-neutral.
Swee GOH’s Post
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After watching Victor Gao argued, the CCP way, with twisted logic, red herrings, and self-contradictions, you may now appreciate the EQ of Anthony Blinken, Mike Pompeo, Margaret Thatcher and all those who have to negotiate with the CCP. Bravo to Mehdi Hasan for his brutal honesty and no-holdback inquisition. You don’t see this in MSM. Mehdi Hasan goes head-to-head with Victor Gao, the former translator for Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping and vice president of the Center for China and Globalization, on President Xi Jinping's rule, China's foreign policy and its clampdown on dissent. #CCPistheFakeChina Is Xi Jinping's China on a path to war? Mehdi Hasan & Victor Gao | Head to Head
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From my POV, Rudyard Griffiths' April 9, 2024 "#MunkDialogue with Dr. #RichardHaass: 'A crumbling #worldorder'" Q&A* is a most timely & crucial "companion" discussion to this week's University of Toronto - Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy's #FridayFocus analysis ... Highly recommend both! *"We are in the midst of one of the most dangerous and unstable #geopolitical moments in recent #history. #Wars are intensifying in #Ukraine and the #MiddleEast, the rise of #China as a #superpower is threatening the entire #AsiaPacific region, and an unprecedented #migrantcrisis in the #USA and #Europe is paving the way for right wing #populists who threaten to destabilize and destroy the #internationalrules based #order that has given us eight #decades of relative #peace and #prosperity. And in the backdrop of this #chaos is a #UnitedStates that is deeply divided and unable – and sometimes unwilling – to provide #leadership at a moment of #global #instability. Our guest on this Munk Dialogue is uniquely qualified to speak on these #conflicts – and offer #prescriptions for how the US should navigate these dangerous waters and steady the ship, so to speak. #RichardHaass is widely considered to be the embodiment of #America’s #foreignpolicy #establishment. He was president of the Council on Foreign Relations for 20 years and served in multiple presidential administrations. He’s also the editor of a new weekly newsletter called Home and Away which is published on substack." #MunkDebates #geopolitics #bodypolitic #cdnpoli #uspoli #globalpoli #globalimpact
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📢WAKE UP Global Citizens: No wonder people are sick and tired of sponsored #msm and switching to independent news. To the immoral "Iike-minded" sponsored #msm promoting chaos and #geopolitical tensions around the globe: 📢LEAVE OUR #PEACEFUL WORLD ALONE✊️✊️✊️ YOU HAVE NO MORAL STANDING IN JOURNALISM AND OUR WORLD. A typical hypocritical double standard mouthpiece of the "Western" state #DW sponsored always there to derail any effort by European and Chinese Leaders to promote anti war pro #Peace pro #Prosperity. This is not okay as you are using public funds to propagate extreme biased view if out disinformation Today's #Western like-minded news media in the US, Europe, Japan are the immoral propaganda mouthpieces of the an invisible "#GlobalApartheidRegime" led by the #American #Deepstates. These collective "like-minded" sponsored #msm invariably invited "experts" to parrot 🦜 the antiChina campaign as part of mallicious "suppress China" campaign initiated by the corrupt rogue #AmericanPoliticians (many are complicits to #GazaGenocides and too friendly inside the insidius #militaryindustrialcomplex). It is an act of international terrorists against #Humanity & #WorldPeace when these maliciuos medias continue to participate in incitement of geopolitical tensions, pitching neighbors against neighbors in #Asia #Australasia, #Africa #Europe #MiddleEast #SouthAmerica. You would serve #EuropeanPeople far better (yes, those honest hard working #People #Businesses #MomPopShopOwners better if you had a serious and objective investigation into the infiltration by #warmachines #CIA and questions #NordstreamSabbotage, #ProxyWarDrivenInflation, US-controlled #Nato and the endless #UkraineProxyWars? Where are you for #Gaza to stop the #GazaGenocide and #EthnicCleansing?
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It seems that some version of Cain vs. Abel has been playing out within humanity for millennia and one variation of that today is China vs. the West and other Western-aligned nations. Alas! Cynics would say that the tension between these two sides is not about ideals like liberty, democracy, rule or law, limits on government, checks and balances, etc but instead about money and power. The cynics are wrong. While the West, the US especially, and Western-aligned nations are far from perfect, and yes, there are of course elements of power and money at play, the fundamental disagreement between China and the West is "about the fundamentals,” things like individual rights, freedom, separation of power within government, etc. --- China Peace Initiative (CPI) was created to explain and educate, toward understanding, hoping for peace. CPI's mission is to seek the evolution of China into a vibrant and prosperous nation where all have liberty to pursue wisdom and faith, and which chooses the path of peace.
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The Vision of Building a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind carries forward the same spirit of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. Both are rooted in traditional Chinese values such as "Be kind to your neighbor," "Seek amity through integrity," and "Promote harmony among all nations." Both attest to China's diplomatic tenets of self-confidence, self-reliance, justice, protection of the disadvantaged, and benevolence. Both demonstrate the broad vision of the Communist Party of China to contribute more to humanity. Both manifest China's firm resolve to follow the path of peaceful development. The Vision of Building a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind is the most effective move to sustain, promote and upgrade the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence in the new circumstances. The Vision captures the reality that all countries have a shared future and intertwined interests, and sets a new model of equality and coexistence for international relations. China believes that all countries, regardless of their size, strength and wealth, are equal members of the international community. They have common interests, common rights, and common responsibilities in international affairs. All countries should join hands to overcome challenges, achieve shared prosperity, build an open, inclusive, clean and beautiful world of lasting peace, universal security, and shared prosperity, and realize peaceful coexistence with greater security and prosperity for mankind. If only all Presidents could think this way. From President XII of China we hear this great wisdom. Thank you
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